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STEPS are to release a cover version of Diana Ross' chart-topping 'Chain Reaction' as their next single in September.
And the band have a bizarre video lined up which is to be set in a hospital!
The band, who also release their greatest hits album in September, are currently in rehearsals for the video shoot in the middle of next week.
And NME.COM has learned that they are today auditioning in London for a cast which will feature older nurses, pregnant women, two people in wheelchairs, one of whom is a hippy, and various people on crutches. There will be scenes set in the hospital's waiting room and patients being tended by nurses.
The video for the original - which went to Number One in January 1986 - showed the diva in a spangly red frock on a turning podium with lots of glitter, fireworks and explosions.
A source admitted: "It's quite a bizarre brief, especially considering the original video! Unfortunately I don't think we're going to see H in silver lame a la Diana Ross."
However, he may yet appear in costume, as he has declared he would like to be the star of a West End show.
Speaking in the current issue of Smash Hits magazine, H said that although the band had no plans to split, he would like to persue acting in the future.
He said: "I've been offered the chance to play the lead in a West End musical, which is something I've wanted to do since I was a little kid."
Bandmember LEE LATCHFORD-EVANS also said he would also like to act in the future.
He commented: "I'd like to make a major movie. I'd love to do what Jennifer Lopez does - and have a musical career and be an actor. "
However, the rest of STEPS said they would try to pursue solo careers if the band were ever to split.


STEPS star CLAIRE RICHARDS is, it seems, unhappy with the way she looks. Before a gig in London this week she was in floods of tears in her changing room complaining she was too fat. You think you've got problems love. We have to listen to your music.
(Sunday Mirror)


Well as it's the start of a new month all the usual monthly stuff has been updated. Test your STEPS knowledge in the new quiz on the Interactive Fun page and check out the new pic on the photo of the month page.


STEPS performed their forthcoming new single Chain Reaction for the first time ever and received a rapturous reception from the crowd.However it's just as well they're such a professional band cos the group revealed to worldpop that they had known nothing of this live first until the previous Tuesday. 'We saw the set list and we thought, 'Oh no! How are we ever going to be ready in time'', confessed FAYE before confessing, 'We had to rehearse the dance routine in just 2 hours.'
The band are really pleased with their cover of the classic hit but when worldpop enquired why they had chosen to record the track CLAIRE joked, 'Our manager's getting a back-hander from the Bee Gees!' referring to the famous brothers who wrote both Chain Reaction and STEPS' previous cover hit Tragedy.
They were also quick to insist that the track is so much more than just another cover version. 'People will be thinking, 'Oh no, STEPS are murdering another pop song,'' joked FAYE before adding more seriously, 'We're really pleased with how it's come out. It's not just another pop band doing another cover.'
The group had ditched their old look of outfits in matching colours in favour of a casual image topped off by a pair of mirrored sunglasses for LEE. They also gained a new fan - Penny from the Big Brother household. The first contestant out of the house introduced STEPS before they hit the stage and said she 'really enjoyed their performance.'


Here And Now/You'll Be Sorry slips further down the charts to No.36, but seems everyone is more interested in the followup single Chain Reaction anyway!
Also slipping down is the album Buzz and the video Live@Wembley.2000 sticks around in the top 10!


Pop group STEPS have revealedthat they are off to Tinstletown in search of a sparkling career in the movies. The singers will be visiting studios in between their scheduled music promotions in Amarica's major cities to audition for both feature films and TV series work. Rumour has it there may even be a STEPS film in the offing.
(Star magazine)


STEPS began filming the video to their new single, Chain Reaction, today. The video is set in a top secret location in London and is said to feature the band as doctors and nurses?!


Top Of The Pops are hosting their very first awards ceremony at the Manchester Evening News Arena in September and STEPS could be walking away with a handful of prizes with your help!
All you have to do is fill in the form in this months TOTP magazine and send it off!
catergories you might like to enter them in are Top Pop Act, Top Single and Top Album.
Get voting and we'll tell you how you can get tickets for the show soon!


Everyday this week we'll be telling you one of STEPS' most embarassing moments!
Today we start with FAYE:
'I got locked in a toilet on a camp site in France when I was about eight. I tried to climb under the door but my head got stuck! I was crying cos I was trapped with all of thesed daddy-longlegs. It was horrible!'


You can help make the gorgeous CLAIRE'S birthday a really special one by sending her your birthday messages. Just click on the link on the front page and follow the directions.


There's a fab interview with STEPS' troublesome twosome, H and CLAIRE, in this months Top Of The Pops magazine. Find out why they think they often steal the limelight within the band, what they really think of Hear'Say and why FAYE and LISA getting married won't affect the future of STEPS.
Also in the same mag is a fab poster of the band and H calls up one of his fans!



It has come to our attention that STEPS will be playing at Butlins in Minehead again this year between 17th November and 20th November... however don't rush to buy your tickets because apparently the event is sold out!
How it managed to be completely sold out before STEPS even mentioned it is quite amazing, but there you go.


Today we reveal LEE'S most embarrassing moment:
'I was playing a really important football match for my county, Cheshire and I scored an own goal! Even though I did score another proper goal I was really embarrassed and the rest of the team took the mick out of me for ages!'


Music site Video Vaults is doing a great deal on some unofficial STEPS videos. They feature some great interviews and performances with the band. For more details visit


Do you remember last week we asked you to e-mail Smash Hits with questions for STEPS? Well they'll all be in the hot seat over the next few weeks and first up is the ever so lovely LEE...

Have you ever looked yourself up on the Internet?
Ive looked Steps up on the Internet cos I like to see what people are writing. But sometimes I chat back and no one believes that its me.

Are you a different person when youre in love?
Totally! Im a different person when Im not in Steps. I havent been in love for a while but I think Im a different person when Im around my close friends. In love or not there are two Lees. Lee Steps is quiet he sits back and gets on with it. The other Lee is more outgoing.

Have you ever snogged another boy?
No, but if I was an actor and that was my part in a movie I probably would.

What pop star would you like to punch?
Oooh! H (Laughing) Ive hit him once. We were in the van and he was being a pain in the neck hitting me in the back of the head with the headrest - so I gave him a dead arm.

What was your last nightmare about?
Believe it or not, Ive never had a nightmare. Ive never woken up in a sweat crying or screaming or any of that.

Do you still sing in the shower?
Yeah, I sing whenever I can.

Would you have auditioned for Popstars?
I would if I was looking for a job. Being a pop star has never been a dream of mine its a job so for my career, yes I would have.

Whats your idea of happiness?
Having close friends around and finding the right one. Being lucky enough to have a decent job and not stress about life too much.


In day 3 of our STEPS embarrassing moments special we reveal LISA'S most embarrassing moment:
'I was on stage and the sequins on my trousers got locked together and I couldn't open my legs! When I tried to waddle off stage, everyone wet themselves laughing!'
Tomorrow find out H's embarassing moment...


Today H tells us his most embarrassing moment...
'I was with CLAIRE eating a big chicken salad bap. I was just taking the hugest bite whne this bloomin' photographer snapped me with my mouth overflowing with bits of food. I must have looked like Homer Simpson scoffing my head off, ha ha!


Fast food has taken on a new meaning for chart toppers STEPS since they embarked on their gruelling schedule. Meals are often taken on the run and H tucked into a burger on a busy street when he was whisked around London's West End shops by band mate CLAIRE. Health concious CLAIRE opted to stick to a mineral water as H chomped away.
(Now magazine)



STEPS singer CLAIRE RICHARDS wept last night as she revealed to me the terrifying cancer fear she hid from her boyfriend, her family and the rest of the hit band. In a frank interview, the 23-year-old beauty told the News of the World for the first time how her world collapsed around her as she found a lump in her breast just two months ago. Claire had just flown home to be with dancer boyfriend Mark Webb after a Steps promotional tour of the States when she made the shattering discovery. "I was in the shower and just washing myself when I felt this strange lump," she whispered. "I've had little lumps before and know what to look for but this one was different. "I was really scared. It felt like someone had knocked all the air out of me. I couldn't move I thought my world was going to end." Claire had good reason to be frightened. Her mum Nina developed a lump last year and had to have it removed. And the singer knew full well how important it was to get treatment early.

But she was too afraid to admit she needed help and kept her dreadful secret for a dangerous and agonising TWO WEEKS. "I thought if I forgot about it, it would go away," said Claire. "I came out of the shower and Mark and I had nice night in but he never knew what I had found. "I just put my head in the sand and thought things would be fine." But it turned out to be two weeks of sheer hell. "I couldn't stop thinking about it but wouldn't tell anyone," said Claire. "I became snappy and kept bursting into tears. I couldn't stop crying. "My mum and Mark would ask me what was wrong and I would say it was the stress of work. I wanted to tell them but couldn't bring myself to do it." But one night the star could hold her anguish in no longer and poured out her heart to her mum "We hugged and cried," said Claire. "I had to tell my mum in the end because she's the rock of the family. "She'd had a lump removed and I'd been with her to the hospital. I felt this huge weight lift off me and I felt better knowing I'd told my mum and Mark."

The next stage was to tell the rest of the band. Female members Faye Tozer and Lisa Scott - Lee gave Claire a group hug and it meant a lot to her. Claire explaineds: "The guys, H and Lee were cool too but Faye and Lisa really understood what I was going through. They've all been behind me from day one." Claire nervously made a hospital appointmentand a biopsy was arranged. "The night before I just couldn't sleep," says Claire. "I remember walking into the hospital the next day. Luckily as soon as we arrived it was my turn. I don't think I could have sat in the waiting room for too long. "The doctor put me at ease and explained what was happening which helped me relax as much as I could. I was lucky because it was the same doctor who treated my mum last year. "It was a nightmare but Mark was great and really supportive. It made me wonder why I'd kept it from them in the first place." Last week Claire got results back giving her the all-clear. Doctors had found that the lump was a benign fibroid cyst.

"It was a huge relief," says Claire. I'm so lucky. Something like this puts your life into perspective." I've known Claire for four years. I was the first journalist to interview Steps when they formed. Now they are one of the biggest pop phenomena in the country. Claire has always been the life and soul of the party but the girl I have just interviewed seems a little older and wiser after her scare. "It doesn't matter how old you are, or how famous you are cancer can come for anyone," she says. "There are 1,000 women a month diagnosed with breast cancer. I'm just so lucky I wasn't one of them this time."
(The News Of The World)


CLAIRE may have been terrified when she discovered her lump but she was instinctively doing the right thing after the scare her mum had been through.
It is vital that women check their breasts regularly. This is what to look for:

CHANGE in the outline or shape of breasts.
PUCKERING or dimpling of the skin.
LUMPS, thickening or bumpy areas in one breast or armpit which seem different from the other.
NIPPLE discharge, new to you and not milky. Bleeding or moist reddish areas which don't heal easily.
CHANGE in nipple position or a rash on or around the nipple.
(The News Of The World)



Yesterday we printed an interview that CLAIRE had done with a British newspaper, The News Of The World, it was probably the hardest interview she's ever had to do as she revealed that she had been struggling to keep a secret fear that she could have breast cancer from her family, boyfriend and the rest of the band. Happily for CLAIRE she was given the all clear by a hospital in London a couple of weeks ago, but there are millions of women who go through the pain and emotional torture that CLAIRE went through - they're too scared to get tested just in case they do have cancer. Sadly a young girl of just 16 was diagnosed with this terrible disease in the UK only last week, she has become the youngest known case of breast cancer in our country.
By CLAIRE telling her story she's proving that no matter how old you are, whether it be 45 or 23, and no matter what job you do, popstar or not, nobody is immune.
STEPS Home UK would like to wish CLAIRE all the best for the future and we admire her bravery and honesty in telling her story to help others.
To read CLAIRE's interview about her cancer scare click the button at the bottom of the page to read this month's news arcive.
If you would like to know more about breast cancer or would like to help raise money for the breast cancer charity that CLAIRE, LISA and FAYE support then visit


A new re-mix of STEPS' classic 1998 hit single, One For Sorrow is currently being made by the Sleazesisters. It is thought that it is moe than likely going to appear on the b-side of STEPS' next single, Chain Reaction, which is due out in September.
(With thanks to Stewart)


Today we reveal the last in our series of STEPS' most embarrassing moments and we think we've saved the best to last!
'On the last tour I had on jeans that were covered in chains and with a long zip at the back. Before singing One For Sorrow I went to tuck the mic wire into my trousers but I could feel skin. The zip had broken and was open! I had a g-string on so I had to walk gingerly down the stairs and hide behing the mic. The same night my halter-neck top came undone during Here And Now. I caught it jkust before the audience got a flash of my boobs! How embarrassing!'


STEPS' latest single, Here And Now/You'll Be Sorry has dropped further down the charts in the UK and is now sitting at No.34 in the Top 40.
Their third album Buzz has dropped out of the top 100 albums charts, but their video Live@Wembley.2000 has kept it's grip on the video charts and is still sitting pretty at No.5.


The gang are hitting Hollywood this fortnight in a bid to persuade movie makers that they have what it takes for big screen succes. FAYE admitted, "We've had lots of offers here and there and for the first time we're going for the screen tests!"


STEPS star CLAIRE RICHARDS is among the famous names taking part in a new Celebrity Stars In Their Eyes.
She appears as Karen Carpenter, with Boy George as David Bowie, A1 as The Beatles, Sonique as Donna Summer, and Belinda Carlisle as Connie Francis.
The show has been recorded and will be screened later this year.
The live final of the current series of Stars In Their Eyes takes place on July 14 and features impressions of Dusty Springfield, Bob Marley and Kylie Minogue.


STEPS have put back the release date of their forthcoming Greatest Hits collection.
It was originally scheduled for release on September 25.
But the compilation is now expected to hit the shops on October 15.
It is now thought the band's forthcoming single, a cover of the Diana Ross hit Chain Reaction, will fill the September release slot.
But a spokesperson for the band says this could change in time.


STEPS star FAYE TOZER played steps-MUM to her hunky lover's daughter when the trio splashed out on a trip to a fun park. FAYE, 26, strolled hand-in-hand with boyfriend Jasper Irn, 30, and 13-year-old Luna at Alton Towers. It was the first time they had been pictured out together during the three years that FAYE has been dating rock drummer Jasper. An onlooker said: "They were like any other young family. "FAYE was completely at home with Jasper's girl. "She was behaving just like a big sister with Luna making sure she enjoyed the day.
"But after three hours Luna looked a bit tired. "FAYE's concern for her was just like that of any young mum. "She and Jasper played on the Dino Derby game with Luna and helped her to win a cuddly dinosaur. It was obvious FAYE and Jasper are very much in love. They were laughing, kissing and holding each other." The couple, who live together in Pinner, North West London, have always denied rumours of engagements and wedding plans. And they gave nothing away during their afternoon at the park with Peter Nielsen, 28, singer with Jasper's band One, and showbiz pal Paul Stacey, 26. All five went on a series of water rides at the Staffordshire park - including one which
left FAYE's skimpy white top see-through.
Jasper laughed: "She's crazy, really wild." A male STEPS fan dashed to see FAYE's sexy wet look. But when he found she had wrapped a jacket round herself he shouted: "Tragedy" - the title of STEPS' 1999 chart-topping hit. Schoolgirl Beth Sutton, ten, from Derby, could barely believe that one of her pop favourites was at Alton Towers. She said: "Is that FAYE from STEPS? She's brilliant - but they're not better than Westlife!"
(The Sun)



According NME, STEPS are to release their Greatest Hits album on an amazing two CDs, because not only will it include their hit singles and some great new tracks, but it will also include some tour faves and album faves as well!
Amongst the new tracks are their new single, Chain Reaction and the song heavily tipped to be their Christmas single, We Fall In Love Again.

2.Chain Reaction
3.I Know Him So Well
5.One For Sorrow
6.Loves Got A Hold On My Heart
7.Deeper Shade Of Blue
9.Last Thing On My Mind
11.Summer Of Love
12.Here & Now
14.After The Love IS Gone
16.Say You'll Be Mine
17.Better Best Forgotten
18.R Dancin'
19.Human Touch
22.Better The Devil You Know
23.When I Said Goodbye
24.Just Like The First Time
25.Its The way You Make Me Feel
27.This Heart Will Love Again
28.You'll Be Sorry
30.We Fall In Love Again (said to be double a-side x-mas single)


Thanks to Spike for this info taken from the BBC Blue Peter website:
In August we're taking to the road and bringing the show to you. As it's the summer we thought it would be cool to be down by the seaside. So where are we going to be?
a.. Scarborough - August 13th
In front of St. Nicolas' Garden
Foreshore Road
South Bay

b.. Rhyl - August 15th
Events Arena
East Parade
LL18 3AF

c.. Newquay - August 20th
Narrow Cliff
By Lusty Glaze Beach

d.. Weymouth - August 22nd
Weymouth Beach
Adjacent to East Street

If you're coming along you have to be there between 3.30pm and 4.00pm. The pre-show fun starts at 4.00pm and the shows goes live at five!

There's going to be loads of stuff going on. Well have performances from the awesome A1 and the spectacular STEPS! All that and a chance for you to join us up on the stage and get involved too! So if you're around at any of those locations over the summer then come along and join us.
And before all that there's the annual Blue Peter prom at the Royal Albert Hall on Saturday 28th of July starting at 11 o'clock which Simon and Liz will be presenting.


Cerys Matthews has confessed to being a "pop groupie".
She says she loves pure pop bands such as Hear'Say and Atomic Kitten.
The Catatonia singer even took her parents to a STEPS gig.
Cerys told Smash Hits magazine: "I've always loved pop music. I love Atomic Kitten's Whole Again - it's beautiful.
"I even took my parents to see STEPS last year - it was brilliant.
"Hear'Say are great too. I've met Noel and his mother. I wish her the best of luck because she's been studying for a psychiatric nursing course while his career was taking off. I'm really a right pop groupie!"
Catatonia release their fourth album, Paper, Scissors, Stone, on August 6.


First off we've just finished some great new wallpapers of the gorgeous Miss Tozer herself for you to upload onto your PCs. There are also some of LISA and CLAIRE on there too.
Magazine wise you might want to get your hands on a copy of Smash Hits for a free poster of the sexiest lads in pop, H and LEE, plus an interview with H about one of his pop idols...
Live & Kicking is also out now and the whole band are grilled on a number of topics including who would LEE nominate first if STEPS were to take part in Big Brother, Who would Claire snog out of Westlife and what did H really think of Mel C when he met her?


Superstar pop group STEPS show no signs of slowing down on their current tour, with extra dates added for Cardiff and London. Tickets go on sale at 9am on Saturday 14th July.

08 Dec Wembley Arena
17 Dec Cardiff International Arena


We've locked ten pop stars with (ahem) big personalities inside our virtual Pop Brother house. Which artists would you nominate for eviction - the decision is yours. Choose from Billie Piper, Bryan McFadden, Christina Aguilera, Eminem, Fred Durzt, H STEPS, J-Lo, Mel B, Nicole Appleton and Shaggy.
Two artists will leave the house each week until four are left and at that stage you vote for you would like to win.
Now a certain TV show (that we've never seen) has its evictions on a Friday evening. As we're tucked up in bed by then the Pop Brother evictions will take place on Mondays (about lunch time). So you've got the weekend to get voting. If you're a fan of Eminem, Bryan McFadden, H STEPS or Christina Aguilera - you need to get those fingers
working. They're all in danger of removed by the public vote. Visit to vote!
(Smash Hits)


Extra dates for Wembley (8th Dec 2001) and Cardiff (17th Dec 2001) are on sale now!


You can pre order a copy of the US version of BUZZ at now. The US CD will have exactly the same art work as the UK CD but will have a new song called Mars & Venus (We Fall In Love Again).
This track will be available in the UK on the Greatest Hits album at the end of the year, but if like me you can't wait that long get your hands on this CD!


The brothers of STEPS star LISA SCOTT-LEE have parted company with the man who used to look after Charlotte Church. They formed a boy band called The Brothers last year.
They are now looking for a new management team after the split from Jonathan Shallit.
The Brothers supported STEPS at their Chelmsford gig last August but failed to win themselves a record deal.
LISA'S brother Steve said: "We want to get to where we want to get to off our own backs and not rely on LISA.
"She could open lots of doors for us but we want to do this for ourselves."


Imagine being locked away for days on end with a gang of people and your every move being watched by the nation...
Well that's exactly what's been happening on Channel 4's real TV show Big Brother.
As the show draws to a close in a few weeks we wondered what it would be like if STEPS were locked up together. Who would you vote out for eviction first and who would you like to win...
Over the next two weeks we want you to vote for who you want to be evicted.
The first evictee will leave the house on Tuesday 17th July
The second evictee will leave the house on Saturday 21st July.
The third evictee will leave the house on Tuesday 24th July
And the two remaining house mates will battle it out to win the prestigious prize of being named STEPSter of the year on Saturday 28th July!!!
To take part in the vote follow the link on the main page of this site. All votes must be in by midday on the day of eviction to be counted!


So far the favourite to be the first evicted from the house is FAYE. Votes for the first evoiction must be in by 12.00pm on Tuesday 17th July!


Here And Now/You'll Be Sorry has fallen out of the UK top 40 this week.


Readers of the News Of The World wrote in their thoughts on CLAIRE'S story of her cancer scare:

How brave of STEPS singer CLAIRE to talk about her breast cancer scare. It must have been awful for her after her Mum had a lump removed a year earlier. We need to thank CLAIRE for emphasising the importance of self examination and seeing a doctor promptly.
Sue Rimmer, Dunstable Beds.

After a recent mammogram I was called straight in for further tests. Luckily like CLAIRE, I was OK. But the wait for the results was a nightmare. Some women are not so lucky. We should do all we can to find a cure for this terrible disease.
Pamela Maxwell, Southampton.

Well done CLAIRE. If high profile people talk about the problem, their fans are more likely to take regular checks.
Mary Cook, HuttoftLincs.


It's day 3 in the BB STEPS house and with all five housemates up for eviction FAYE is the favourite to be packing her golden and glittery suitcase first!
The bubbly blonde with the heart of gold has recieved almost half of the votes and is definatley favourite to leave the house tomorrow.
From the voting in the first eviction it looks as though Welsh beauty LISA could be in with a chance of winning the competition.
To take part in the STEPS BB comp follow the link on the main page and remember all votes for the first eviction must be in by midday tomorrow!


A source from Jive records has confirmed our reports that It's The Way You Make Me Feel, will be STEPS new single in the US. The song was a hit in the UK at the beginning of the year and could do well in the US with the right promotion.
It is thought that the band are experiencing a mixed response in the US, with teeny magazines aimed at the lower end of the teenage age scale giving them some coverage and good reviews and the higher end of the market giving bad reviews or just ignoring their existense.
The US is a mixed bag when it comes to our music anyway with bands such as S Club 7 enjoying success Stateside and other bands like Westlife heading homewards after failure. Unfortunately just because a band is huge this country doesn't mean success in the US will come easily.


The fisrt eviction has taken place in the STEPS BB house. The evictee was voted out by a massive 40% of you!
To find out who's left the house follow the link on the main page and don't forget to vote before 12.00pm on Saturday 21st July for the next eviction.


STEPS' FAYE TOZER says she was saved from depression by her fiance Jasper Irn.
She says Jaspar helped her to cope with the pressures of fame.
She told Hello! magazine that she loves writing songs with Jasper, one of which, entitled If You Believe?, appears on the album Buzz.
She says: "There was a time a couple of years ago when I was very depressed and very scared. I lost my confidence and became very insecure."


FAYE and her fiancé Jasper Irn have been in training over the past few weeks for a 10k run they are doing for charity.
The pair will be running in the British 10k Open Road Race to raise money for children's charity the NSPCC this Sunday 22nd July.
Faye admits the training has been hard saying "People may think I'm fit because of the fitness and dance routines we perform in STEPS, but it's not cardiovascular so I don't benefit much from it. On top of that I go out partying a lot and don't look after myself as much as I should!"
Six weeks of training with Robbie Williams' fitness guru, David Marshall, seems to be doing the trick. "Ifeel lighter and stronger" proclaims FAYE. "I'm determined to finish the race running all the way. I'm looking forward to it immensly!"


Pucker up to a member of STEPS every morning. Avon are launching a campaign called 'Kiss goodbye to breast cancer' and they've produced shrink wrapped face towel which feature the kiss prints from each member of STEPS. The towels which expand in water cost £2.99 each, £1 of which will go the breast cancer charity Breakthrough. Don't all fight over Lee's lip-print ladies!


FAYE and Jasper appear in this weeks issue of Hello magazine.
As well as a set of stunning photos of the couple at the HouseHome Club in London, FAYE reveals all about how she has coped with pressure of fame and the couple reveal how it was love at first sight when they first met over 5 years ago.


The next evictee from the STEPS Big Brother house will be tomorrow!
FAYE has already left the house..but who'll be next?!
Cast your vote now!


Whilst I was reading the new issue of Star magazine I found this letter on the letters page:
'I feel really sorry for H from STEPS as the papers are always trying to put him down. When I have kids, I would rather they look up to a repectable person like H than a swearing druggie like Eminem.'
Ian, Birmingham.

We couldn't agree more! Our H is a real sweetie!


The second person has now left the STEPS BB House to find out who and to cast your vote in the next eviction follow the link on the front page.


The Sleazesisters brilliant re-mix of the classic STEPS track One For Sorrow is now complete and can be heard at
The track is expected to be included on the new single Chain Reaction - due out in September.


Temperatures soared when STEPS stars LISA SCOTT-LEE, FAYE TOZER and CLAIRE RICHARDS dressed as naughty nurses for their latest video. The stunning singers had camera crew wiping their brows when they saw the girls in their revealing outfits. At one point the lads nearly called for emergency assistance just like on the hit TV show after Faye's figure-hugging uniform came undone! -The film-shoot for the band's new single - a cover version of Diana Ross's Chain Reaction - took place at a disused hospital in London. The video shows fellow band member H, real name IAN WATKINS, being rushed to hospital by ambulance. He is then wheeled in by a doctor, played by singer LEE LATCHFORD EVANS. An insider said: "The video is a bit like ER meets Steps. It's lots of fun and very saucy."
(The People)


STEPS singer FAYE TOZER has told how she was saved from an appearance on Before They Were Famous because she couldn't sing. As a 12-year-old FAYE auditioned for Channel 4's tacky pop show Minipops singing Madonna's La Isla Bonita. But the show's bosses weren't impressed with her talents and shouted "next!". Good job she improved in time for STEPS.
(The Sunday Mirror) 


FAYE and CLAIRE set pulses racing as they dressed in sexy nurses uniforms to film the bands new video to their forthcoming single Chain Reaction!


As we reported earlier in the month STEPS will be touring with A1 for the Blue Peter roadshow.
And LISA will be returning to her home town of Rhyl along with the rest of the band to perfrom a special set on Wednesday 15th August at The Events Arena, East Parade,Rhyl
LL18 3AF


FAYE and her fiancé Jasper Irn finished the British 10K Open Road Race yesterday in aid for the NSPCC.
FAYE and Jasper started the race at 9.30am and this is the course they took:
Starting adjacent to the Royal Park of St. James's at Hyde Park Corner, near the original world famous Hard Rock Cafe on Piccadilly, the race route passes many of the capital's internationally renowned tourist attractions, such as St. James's Palace, Trafalgar Square, Horse Guard's on Whitehall, Downing Street, Westminster Abbey, Horse Guards Avenue, Westminster Bridge, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament and St Paul's Cathedral before finishing on the embankment near the London Eye.


Don't forget you have until 12.00pm tomorrow afternoon to cast your vote for who is next to be evicted from the STEPS BB house.
So far it's looking as though the final will be between a girl and boy, but to find out who you'll have to follow the link on the front page!


Channel 5 are looking for female STEPS fans aged between 14 and 16 years old to take part in a new TV series called 'Date That'
If you think you might be interested then contact Silke Abele, Researcher Date That, using the details below:

Channel X Communications Ltd.
2nd Floor
Highgate Business Centre
33 Greenwood Place
Kentish Town
London NW5 1LBT

Tel: 020 7428 3966
Fax: 020 7428 3998


If you would like to attend a specially organised day at Lego Land exclusively for STEPS' biggest fans then visit for more details!


Well we're down to the final two in our STEPS BB competition. The winner will be announced this Saturday so if you want to make your vote count get on over there and get voting and remember you're voting for who you want to win!


Thanks to Pete for these lyrics to STEPS new track Mars And Venus (We Fall In Love Again)

You stop and I go
Too fast, much too slow
Your uptown is downtown to me
I loose it, your find it
You're ahead and I'm behind it
Your daytime is nighttime to me

Feels like a million miles between us
Just like Mars & Venus
Must be the pull of gravity
I'm made for you, you're made for me

Sometimes I drive you crazy
Sometimes you wanna change me
I say you don't, you say I do
That's how it plays with me and you
When we can't seem to make up
When we are about to break up
I look at you, you smile at me and then
We fall in love again
(Just like Mars & Venus)

You get what I don't
And you will when I just won't
Your upside is downside to me
I flip it, you drop it
You start me up and I can't stop it
You're on time is off time to me

Feels like a million miles between us
Just like Mars & Venus
Must be the pull of Gravity
I'm made for you, you're made for me


For ever action, baby, there's reaction
Must be opposite attraction
No matter what you're my ultimate distraction
And I know it gives you satisfaction
I was made for you and you were made for me


We fall in love again
(Just Like Mars & Venus)


LEE from STEPS was mistaken for a real doctor when the band filmed their new video in a dissused London hospital. Luckily, the casualty was only a boy with his finger stuck in a kettle and not a major emergency!
(Heat Magazine)


STEPS latest US album, Buzz, was released there yesterday. I recieved my copy today and I have to say that their new track, Mars & Venus (We Fall In Love Again) is excellent and should definately be a possible single release. The track will be available here at the end of the year on the bands Greatest Hits 'Gold' album. If you can't wait that long though why not order a copy of the US Buzz from


Smash Hits have got a poll on their site to find out what your fave STEPS single so far is. You can vote by visiting
Talking of Smash Hits the new issue will feature an interview with LEE and CLAIRE and will be asking them the questions that their fans really wanted to know and that's because you lot sent them in!
Another mag you might like to get is OK magazine which features a full page of photos of FAYE, her fiancé Jasper and his daughter Luna enjoying a fun day out together at Alton Towers.


If you popped along to Mardi Gras in Laaahndan town recently youll already have a good idea of what the next single from STEPS will be. As a surprise they gave a sneak preview of the finger clickin anthem to the massive crowd.
Everyone was soon singing along as STEPS have dug out another party classic from years gone by. This time theyve covered the Diana Ross No.1 Chain Reaction, which topped the chart back in 1986. The song was written for the legendary singer by disco wonders The Bee Gees. The cheese-tastic trio also penned Tragedy which has become a STEPS anthem.
Chain Reaction will be STEPS 14th single and it is due to be released on September 25 and weve been promised a video which will show Steps like weve never seen them before well it is set in a hospital!?! The single also features a remix of One For Sorrow that was previously only available in America.
STEPS Gold, The Greatest Hits will be released on October 15. It features all of their eleven consecutive Top 5 hits, plus three new tracks one of which is Chain Reaction.
The Gold tour, which visits Sheffield, Glasgow, Newcastle, London, Birmigham, Nottingham, Cardiff and Manchester now stretches to 15 arena dates, some of which are already sold out. However, the good news is that tickets are still available at all venues. Why not check out for full details.


The Insider is relived to report that stand up comedian and TV presenter Mark Lamarr has finally got over his unhealthy obsession with Steps' Faye Tozer. But upsettingly, he has replaced Faye with an even less classy pop starlet, Liberty's Michelle Heaton. After begging for her phone number, Mark has been pestering the Geordie Popstars reject for dates. Look out for the duo on the town together round about September when Liberty's single is released...


It's neck and neck in the STEPS Big Brother competition, our two finalists, Lisa and H are both scoring heavily. Who do you want to walk away the winner? Vote now!


STEPS will be going head to head in the single charts against Ms Publicity Machine herself...Victoria Beckham.
Victoria, a.k.a Posh Spice, has postponed her second solo offering, Innocent Girl, to Monday 17th September, exactly the same date STEPS have moved their release date to!
Last year Victoria started a feud with Sophie Ellis-Bextor and Spiller because she feared they would prevent her from getting to No.1 - and they did! Let's hope STEPS can keep her from the top spot without it turning in to an all out war of words!


STEPS will be appearing at various summer events around the UK. They have already confirmed appearances in Liverpool, Rhyl and Bristol. Check the diary page for more information.


Remember your votes for the winner of STEPS BB must be in by 9am tomorrow morning so get voting!!!


LISA is officially the winner of our STEPS BB 2001 competition!
She narrowly managed to beat fellow Welsh wonder H in the grand final. The final results were
Lisa 53%
H 47%
For more details and an 'interview' with Lisa about the game click on the link on the front page.


STEPS are to perform in the desert in October for 20,000 British servicemen who will be on a huge training exercise in Oman. FAYE TOZER told me: "It's a great honour to entertain our boys overseas."
(The Sun)

Geri Halliwell is to perform for British troops as part of a moral boosting exercise.
She will sing alongside STEPS at a live concert in the Gulf state of Oman this September.
More than 20,000 British troops will take part in the military operation, called Saif Sareea 2.
It hopes to boost the morale of soldiers who have spent several weeks in the desert.
A spokeswoman for Geri says it is the first time the singer has performed for the Ministry of Defence.
The concerts will be hosted by entertainer Bobby Davro.


Well with the end of our STEPS BB game (boo hoo - that was quite fun to do! lol) we'll be launching a summer special on Monday that will have lot's of different bits and bobs to help you have a Steptacular summer in style!


Recently there have been a lot of e-mail viruses doing the rounds so in order to avoid your e-mails sent to us (including birthday messages for Claire) being deleted please mark the subject clearly. If we recieve e-mails without a subject they will be deleted immediately.
So if you're sending a message for Claire please write in the subject 'Happy Birthday Claire'


You could meet heart-throb band a1 or interview STEPS for
their official website.
To stake your claim for one of our dream prizes, simply make your bid in our auction.
To be a winner, collect Music4you tokens from The Sun, News of the World and cans and bottles of Coca-Cola and Diet Coke. Then call 09015 604020 and BID using the tokens you have collected.
Calls cost 60p a minute. The highest bidders when lines close at midnight on Wednesday will win. You MUST leave a telephone number where we can contact you on Thursday.

BID 1: Win four VIP tickets to this year's Disney Channel Kids Awards on Saturday, September 22, at the London Arena - and meet a1 backstage. The boys will be just one of the top acts appearing at the awards, which will be shown on The Disney Channel on September 23 and Sky One on September 30. Also on the bill are Hear'Say, Steps and Westlife. One member of your party must be an adult. Only two of the winning party will be allowed backstage. For a chance to win, call 09015 604020 and choose EXPERIENCE ONE.

Bid guide - 250 tokens

BID 2: Interview STEPS for their official website Our winner will catch up with the band in London next month. If the successful bidder is under 16 they must be accompanied by an adult. Call 09015 604020 and choose EXPERIENCE TWO.

Bid guide - 250 tokens

WE'VE two great Music4you tokens today and you'll find FOUR in tomorrow's News of the World. Auction helpline 0870 900 8688.
Get your Music4you token in today's Sun newspaper. We are printing tokens every day all summer with double on Saturdays.
You will also find millions of tokens on special Music4you cans and bottles of Coca-Cola and Diet Coke. Every ringpull is one token and 2-litre bottles of Coke and Diet Coke carry four tokens.
There are also four tokens every week in the News of the World newspaper.
Check out all the terrific gear you can swap for Music4you tokens at
(The Sun)



You will now be able to access our STEPS Into Summer Special via the banner on the front page.
Today it includes CLAIRE, FAYE and LISA's summer fashion tips and it will continue to be updated with a nd bobs to make your summer even more STEPTACULAR!


British pop quintet STEPS proved they had the 'white' stuff taping STEPS In Concert on Nickelodeon's TeeNick, which aired last night. The special culiminated in a messy shaving cream fight courtesy of the group's goo filled balloons!
(Thanks to Brian)



STEPS beauty FAYE TOZER is backing her fiance Jasper Irn all the way. FAYE will be providing backing vocals on a track for Jasper's band O.N.E. It is likely that the track will be used as their first release in the UK. Let's hope he has more luck than other musicians associated with the award winning group...
LISA SCOTT-LEE's brothers failed to find a record contract and have parted company with their manager and her fiance Johnny Shentall's band, 'Boom', were dropped by their record company after their first single flopped.
IAN WATKINS' (H) girlfriend Sarah Connolly was dropped by her record company after failing to make an impression on the charts with her band, 'Yes'.
And LEE LATCHFORD-EVANS former girlfriend Vicky Dawdal experienced little luck with her band 'Girls@Play'.
(The Sun)


Someone should tell FAYE TOZER from STEPS that this isn't the way to lower a man's temperture. Dressed as a nurse for the group's latest video, the 26-year-old singer went for a brisk walk around the London Hospital used for the shoot with fellow stepper LISA SC0TT-LEE.
But TOZER was strangely preoccupied with her decolletage the entire time, adjusting and re-adjusting her uniform. She certainly attracted plenty of attention, not all of it medical.
(Daily Star - thanks to Pete Cunning)