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Aug 2001


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STEPS next single in the US will be the previously unreleased track 'Mars & Venus (We Fall In Love Again)', apart from having the longest title in the history of STEPS songs it's an absolutely brilliant track that sees FAYE take the powerful leads with the lovely LISA superbly backing her up. I would love to see it released here as well because FAYE and LISA really make this song what it is and it would be nice for them to both get some recognition for their amazing singing talents.
The song will be being released to radio stations in the US very soon so if you are an US fan get requesting!
If you're a UK fan then why not get your hands on this superb track by buying the US version of Buzz from


STEPS will be chatting to their fans on tomorrow 7.00pm (ET). So check in with STEPS and ask your questions.


We've updated the usual monthly stuff such a s the quiz, which you'll find on the Interactive Fun page and the Photo Of The Month. Don't forget to vote for who you want as the Photo Of The Month for September!


Another month is behind us already! And what a busy month it was there have been a lot of news items in the past weeks including CLAIRE'S admission that she had been living with the fear that she had breast cancer, but was thankfully given the all clear. FAYE revealed that she is to be a Step Mum when she marries fiance Jasper as he has a 13 year old daughter named Luna. They've been to the US to record the TeeNick concert and they've released their 2nd album over there.
Meanwhile back home they showcased their new single, 'Chain Reaction', at the Mardis Gras and filmed the video for it with the girls wearing some very racy nurses uniforms in a dissused hospital in London!
Read about all of this and so much more in our news archive!


Would you like to get involved in the new BBC charity Timebank - we're looking for 15 STEPS fans from the South East of England who could donate some of their spare time to do a favour for someone in need.
"Do Us A Favour" is a new live show on BBC1 in support of the Timebank charity which is being recorded on Wednesday 8th August. Celebrities will join Carol Smillie in a studio in London to show how easy it is to do a favour for someone in need.
STEPS will be performing on the show and doing their own favour for 15 special fans. In return the 15 chosen fans have to pledge some of their own time to help a good cause in their area. We would also like them to get as many of their friends, family and school mates involved as possible.
If you would like to get involved and can be at the recording in London on the evening of the 8th then get in touch straight away by emailing


AN air hostess who shares a house with Big Brother winner Brian Dowling revealed yesterday that he was scared of taking part in the show - thinking he would be bullied because he is gay.
Jade Scott, 23, also told how Brian was upset that he couldn't take his moisturiser and eye cream into the house and CRIED when he thought he had not got on to the show.
Brian, 23, shares a house in Bishop's Stortford, Herts, with Jade and a group of girls. She said: "He fits in really well. He's always doing our hair and make-up for us, and he's very straightforward. If he doesn't like what we're wearing he says so.
"He once said to me: 'That top you're wearing is vile, Jade. Go and put something else on!'"
Jade said Brian often did her make-up and hair - and often dances round the house to his favourite pop group, STEPS.
(The Sun)


Survivor romeo Adrian Bauckham is up to his old tricks again - he has been wooing a pretty blonde.
Show reject Adrian, who famously bedded eventual winner Charlotte Hobrough, has been wining and dining Vicky Dowdall, of pop group Girls@Play.
Vicky, who has dated LEE from STEPS, met Adrian soon after he returned from the exotic TV game show.
The couple have enjoyed a string of cosy dinner dates at some of London's trendiest nightspots, including The Ivy restaurant and nightclub 57 Jermyn Street.
(The Sun)


We're looking for people who would be willing to help with the site in various ways, if you think that you might have something to offer us mail us with your details and we'll get back to a.s.a.p


STEPS have failed to make an impression on the US charts. Their second US album 'Buzz' has not even dented the Billboard 100 despite a high profile concert by the band being televised on TeeNick on Saturday.
Hopefully their next single out there 'Mars & Venus (We Fall Love Again)' will fair better. The track gets released to radio stations on Monday.
If you would like to buy 'Buzz' US or UK versions visit

YOU could scoop a two-night stay in a five-star London hotel, get £200 spending money AND see Steps in concert.
This terrific experience is today's main lot in our marvellous Music4you auction.
You can also learn to be a DJ at a top production house or grab some fantastic gear from rock band Feeder.
To get your hands on these great lots all you do is bid some or all of the Music4you tokens you are collecting from The Sun, News of the World and cans and bottles of Coca-Cola and Diet Coke.
Our auction phone line on 09015 604020 is open until 8pm tonight. We have put a guideline for the number of tokens we'd like against each experience - but you can bid as many or as few of your tokens as you like.
You MUST leave a telephone number - preferably a mobile - on which we can contact you. You'll also be asked to leave your name and address for checking purposes.
If you don't win you can keep your tokens to bid again or to swop for other goodies.
(The Sun)



Hull East Park is hosting a major outdoor show on Saturday 25th Augusto. STEPS are the latest stars added to a bill which already features Catatonia, Blue, A1, The Honeyz, Emma Bunton, Allstars and Girls At Play.


Firstly we'd like to thank Brin and Rachel who are our new US reporters they'll be filling us in on all thing STEPS stateside!

It seems that STEPS latest US album, 'Buzz' only managed a very dissapointing No.253 in the US album charts. This is partly to do with the fact that little promo has happened over there apart from the heavily edited Nick Concert that aired last Saturday.
Howevever the album track 'Happy Go Lucky' does feature on the soundtrack to the new Disney film the Princess' Diary and that chrated at No.84 this week so that should hopefully help them gain some familiarity in the States.
The webchat with Nickleodeon was also dissapointing, apparently LEE was the only member of the band who was in the chat and it ammounted to nothing.
Let's hope the TeeNick concert and the film soundtrack will boost album sales this week!


STEPS are keen to let their Australian fans know that they have not forgotten them what with all the focus being on their US releases so they will be taking part in another webchat this time with website There's also a poll on there to vote for your fave STEPS member. That will all be taking place this Wednesday.


STEPS star LEE LATCHFORD-EVANS has revealed that his greatest fear is never finding anyone to settle down with. The 26 year old singer from Merseyside has dated a string of beauties, including glamour model Emma B, but says he's not found the right woman for him. His band mate FAYE TOZER says "LEE isn't short of offers, but he's incerdibly picky!"
So while Love's Got A Hold On the rest of STEPS' hearts, you could say Lee's love life is more of a Tragedy!
(Post On Sunday)


There's a really good unofficial STEPS magazine out at the moment. It's called Big Stars Poster Specials - STEPS and is packed from pge to page with great STEPS posters that have never been seen before. It costs £1.99 and is available frm all good newsagents and WH Smith.


STEPS next US single, 'Mars & Venus (We Fall In Love Again)' will be released to US radio stations tomorrow.
The track will not be available to buy in stores and will rely on radio play to get it's chart postion. This will be their third single in the US their previous releases being One For Sorrow (1999) and Tragedy (2000).

Thanks to Brian for sending us this scan of the promotional posters that are appearing in record shops across the US to promote the new album 'Buzz'
An unusual choice of photo to use though as it's quite old, the same pic was used on the UK releases of 'Better Best Forgotten' way back in March 1999. A more up to date pic would have been better, but let's hope they do the job all the same!


Dane Bowers has agreed to push a refreshment trolley at a hospital for a TV charity bonanza.
STEPS and Geri Halliwell are among other stars donating their time to encourage viewers to do the same in BBC1's Do Us A Favour.
The show is being screened on Wednesday, TimeBank Day, which last year saw 18,000 people agree to give up several hours to help with charity work.
Viewers have been contacting the BBC over the past three weeks thinking up ways in which celebrities can do them a favour, with the stars taking up the best suggestions. In return the callers will have to give their time to charity.
And it is hoped that watching the stars on the show will spur other members of the public to do the same.
Boy band Five will be giving a private performance for one of their fans and Brookside's Claire Sweeney will help out at Romford Greyhound track.
Royle Family star Ralf Little, who plays Antony in the show, will take a group of children to London Zoo, while singer Bowers will become a trolley dolly at Southampton General Hospital.
LISA SCOTT-LEE from STEPS said: "It doesn't matter what we're asked to do, if it's a question of lending a hand and helping someone in need, we're up for it."
The live show is being hosted by Carol Smillie who said: "Do Us A Favour is a fun programme. It shows how we all have something to offer our local communities and that by giving even just a little time we can make a big difference."
A spokesman for charity TimeBank said: "Viewers can also expect a few surprises on the night, with appearances from other stars that are supporting the project, including Geri Halliwell."


STEPS have announced that they will be playing at more summer roadshows this year, the new dates are:

Sunday 26th august
Metro FM concert
Newcastle Race Course
Tickets cost £2

Monday 27th August
Party In The Park
Birmingham Alexander Stadium
Tickets cost £12


'Mars & Venus(We Fall In Love Again)' has been released to radio stations in America today, so if you are a STEPS fan from the states make sure you get requesting it from your local station.

And back home in the UK STEPS are getting ready to release their new single 'Chain Reaction' they will be performing it throughout the country on summer radio tours.
I recieved a promo copy of it this morning and I have to say it's my favourite song that they have ever done, the vocals are superb as is the backing it's very ott and totally excellent! A sure fire number 1 in my opinion! The saucy lyrics can only help to get away from STEPS squeeky clean image as well!

They may be facing some tough competion when 'Chain Reaction' is released on 17th September in the UK. Posh Spice, Victoria Beckham, is realsing her first solo singe, Not Such An Innocent Girl, and Kylie Minogue is releasing the first track off her new album, Fever.


In the charts STEPS are still sticking in there in the UK, they're at no.39 with 'Here And Now/You'll Be Sorry'
And they're at no.4 in Singapore with 'It's The Way You Make Me Feel'


After loads of rumours that they are going their seperate ways, STEPS have announced that they've just signed a contract for a further two years at least! The band will be releasing a Greatest Hits aolbum, a new album next year and will tackle an even bigger UK tour with the possibility of a world tour depending on their chart success abroad. Not bad for a bnd that's supposedly splitting up!
(Shout Magazine)


Would you like to see FAYE and LISA cleaning your kitchen? Or H nad LEE mowing your lawn? Well, now's your chance to make it happen as Carol Smilie and her celebrity pals donate their time to charity, TimeBank, by doing quick-fix favours for members of the public. All you have to do is phone the show, request a favour and donate some of your spare time to charity.
You can see how STEPS got on, on Wednesday 8th August at 8.00pm on BBC1.


STEPS, Sugababes and BB Mak are expected to appear at the launch of a new London club night.
They are on the guest list for the first night of Popshow at The Millennium Club in London's West End on Wednesday.
The club aims to give exposure to up-and-coming acts.
Z-pose, one of the bands appearing at Popshow's opening night, features Joseph McLean and Stuart Pawley, who appeared on ITV's Popstars series.
The other eight acts include Kate Meranda, formerly of teen band Soul Unique, and Electro Rectro, described as a "cyber-Elvis for the new millennium".
The evening is to be hosted by radio presenter Nick Carpenter.
It will be capped by Popstarz DJs Simon and Neil.


Expect to see STEPS' new video for their latest single, 'Chain Reaction' either this Friday or next Friday on The Box, if it's an exclusive for MTV (which I doubt) then it will be showing from anytime now. We'll have more info on this as we get it.


STEPS will be playing yet another radio roadshow, this time it's the Fox FM's Party In The Park in South Park Oxford. The event will be taking place on Sunday 2nd September.


We are officialy 1 year old today so we'd like to thank a few people for all their help and hard work.
Firstly a big thankyou to all the UK team especially Sara who is the driving force behind most of the fab ideas on the site including the STEPS Big Brother which was fab!
Also we'd like to thank our assistant photo editor Michelle for her good work and Carl from Ultimate Steps for being so kind and allowing us to use some of his vidcaps. Then there are all our foreign reporters, we'd like to thank our New Zeland, Australian, American, Japanese, Belgian, Italian and French reporters. Then of course there's you lot who visit the site, we wouldn't be here if you didn't visit us so the biggest thankyou is to you! JKeep visiting STEPS Home UK to see all the new and exciting features that will be happening.
Webmaster STEPS Home UK.


STEPS have added lot's of exciting new dates to their diary. The fab five will be pulling out all the stops to promote their new single, 'Chain Reaction' , and get it the number 1 spot that it truly deserves.
As well as appearing at yet more radio roadshows across the UK, they'll be perfroming the TV premiere of 'Chain Reaction' next Saturday on sm:tv. Check the diary for all the new dates.


STEPS latest album 'Buzz' is not doing as well as they expected over in Australia. The band used to be a hot item over there and achieved various No.1 singles including with their debut single 5,6,7,8. But lack of promo by all five members (last time only FAYE, CLAIRE and LEE visited) has taken it's toll on their popularity, they only just managed to scrape into the the top 100 albums there at a rather dismal No.98 The CD has even been reduced to just $5.95 to try and make it sell more. If you would like to buy a copy visit


To celebrate outr 1st birthday we thought we'd do a little competion for you, so would you like to get your hands on a full set of STEPS dolls, a Japanese and US copy of 'Buzz' and a promo of 'Here And Now'?
Well if you would you'll have to make sure you keep visiting this site because we'll be giving you a new question everyday for the next five days. When you have collected all five of the answers we'll be giving you details on how to enter.

Today's question is: What was the name of the covers band FAYE was in before she joined STEPS?

Write doen your answer and keep it one side as you will need to send us all the answers together.


Jive Records UK have confirmed the release date for the new Greatest Hits album:
After taking a well deserved break from work, after the success of 'Here & Now / You'll Be Sorry' STEPS are back to promote their brand new single 'Chain Reaction'. This new single is taken from the forthcoming album 'Gold - The greatest hits' due for release on 15th October. Following the single and album the fab 5-some will embark on a nation-wide UK tour. They'll be coming to a town near you...
(Jive Records)


STEPS babe LISA SCOTT-LEE was stopped in her tracks the other day as she left swish London store Harvey Nicks - setting off the alarm - but don't fret, she'd paid for her goodies, the security tags had just been left on!


STEPS will be appearing on the show Saturday Night Fever soon.
It's the popular Karaoke quiz show on Channel 5 and the five of us will be taking part throughout the program. The good news is that the team behind it have allowed us to take some of our fans along with us to join in the fun and frolics!
The show is being recorded on Wednesday 19th Sept at Teddington Studios Middlesex. So if you want free tickets to be in the audience you can get them by calling 0207 691 5611 or by e mail You must be over 18 however, otherwise you won't be allowed in on the day.
(STEPS Official)


We have our first edition of the all new Talking Point today and it's a varied bag of Steppiness,so go and click on it now and who knows you could be our Letter Of The Week!


The second question in our competition is:
H worked at Butlins before joinig STEPS, but at which Butlins did he work?
Remember to write the answer down and keep it along with the answer from yesterday and we'll give you details on how to enter them soon!


CLAIRE from STEPS says schoolgirls should be taught to inspect their breasts for lumps.
The singer had a breast cancer scare of her own earlier this year.
She says it is important for girls to understand that breast cancer is treatable.
"I truly believe that breast checks should be taught to girls at school," she says.
"There are so many women that it affects and there are so many more women dying from breast cancer every year than there ever really should be, seeing as it's 100% curable.
"Kids have sex education at school, they're even taught how to use sanitary products and stuff and if you can teach kids to do that, then you can teach young girls how to check for certain things."
CLAIRE says her own experience had taught her to be extra careful in the future.
"It was a nasty scare," she says.
CLAIRE has become involved with the Breakthrough Breast Cancer charity.
She is currently taking part in a project that challenges people to raise £1,000 by performing a task such a sponsored walk or a sports day.
More details are available on the charity's website.


The man behind STEPS, Allstars and a1 has issued a special request for NME.COM users to join his new band - while launching a shocking attack on the "dull, average, ugly" Hear'Say.
Manager Tim Byrne, whose background includes senior roles at music shows such as 'The Word' and BBC2's seminal 'Def II' strand, is calling for musicians and singers to form the house band for BBC1's forthcoming rival to 'CD:UK', but insists that potential entrants can't be from the STEPS school of pop performance.
"We're casting the net wide and we want a real band," he tells NME.COM. "If it's a hybrid of Travis, Wheatus, Limp Bizkit and Texas then all the better.
"We've been auditioning today and one of the blokes was a punk drummer, and he's one of the best people. The musicians really have to be musicians. Kids are buying Gorillaz, Limp Bizkit and Eminem records as much as they are traditional pop music."
"For this new Saturday show, the BBC realise very strongly that 'SM:TV' and 'CD:UK' have been perfoming really well and that 'Live & Kicking' needed to move on. They came up with the idea for the show, and the key element is this quite cool, alternative band. We're looking for cutting-edge musicians, basically."
"And I want to make it quite clear that we're definitely not looking for another Heresy," he adds, referring to the UK's 'Popstars' band. "Noel, Danny, Kym, Myleene and the other one are not welcome at the auditions - they're dreadful. The whole boy/girl thing is so oversubscribed now - and that 'Popstars' programme was just awful."
Byrne also sees the relative lack of success experienced by AllSTARS' first single 'Best Friends', which skimmed the Top 20 last month, as being one symptom of Hear'say's success. "That show demysitifed something which is all about escapsim and having an element of mystique. And what did it achieve? Such average, dull people. They're not even that good looking, either - it's just really bad, it's really tainted that part of pure pop and I want to go on record saying that about them."
"Anyway, the band we're putting together for this TV show will be nothing like any of that. The show's going to be running 52 weeks a year and something will have to go horribly wrong for the group not to end up with a huge record deal at the end of it. It's a great opportunity."
Byrne is asking NME.COM users who fancy their chances, aged between 18 and 25, to send their tapes to Band Selector, PO Box 30881, London, W12 6WQ. More information is available at


MTV are now showing the absolutely fab new STEPS video for their latest single 'Chain Reaction' It's an MTV exclusive so you won't be able to catch it anywhere else for at least a week. We have the vidcaps up now (many thanks to so follow the link on the front page and catch up with STEPS saucy hospital antics!


The official release date for STEPS single 'Chain Reaction' has been put back until 24th September allowing the band to do more promo and avoiding a head to head battle with Victoria Beckham and Kylie Minogue.


The third question in our competition is:
Lisa's brothers are in a band, aprropriately named Brothers, but what was the bands original name?
Remember to write the answer down and keep it along with the answers you already have and we'll give you details on how to enter them soon!


I hear STEPS star LEE LATCHFORD-EVANS got himself into a bit of bother last week when he bared his backside on a magazine photo shoot. Lee agreed to parade himself out on a busy street near London's posh Harrods store. But several elderly passers-by complained to security guards who forced the photo session to be halted.
(The News Of The World)


A host of pop acts are set to perform their hits live to signal this year's switch-on of the Blackpool lights.
DJ Janice Long will present performances by Steps, Emma Bunton, Marti Pellow, Lisa Stansfield and Roxette on August 31.
The event will be broadcast live on Radio 2 at 8:30pm.
LEE from STEPS told Waveguide: "We're all really looking forward to going to Blackpool for the show and switching on the lights.
"I used to go there as a kid and have really happy memories of the town."


Smash are holding a poll to find the 100 sexiest people in pop so naturally we want you to all get voting for those sexy STEPSters, H and LEE are nominated in the sexiest male catergory, but only LISA and FAYE are nominated in the female catergory! Whoever left the ever so delightful Miss Richards out surely needs his head testing!
Anyway head over there anyway and get voting the fab four who have been nominated.


Just a quick note as regards the STEPS Fan Day, being held 25.08.01, the day is now being held in association with the Breakthrough Breastcancer charity that CLAIRE supports and helped her through her cancer scare. There are still a few tickets left so if you would like to attend contact Dave on:


The fourth question in our competition is:
Claire won an award for one of her jobs before STEPS, but which job was it for?
Remember to write the answer down and keep it along with the answers you already have and we'll give you details on how to enter tomorrow!


H from STEPS is in talks with producers of the stage musical Godspell.
He hopes to take part in the West End show sometime next year.
H says he may look to a career in musicals when STEPS eventually split up.
However, H has stressed there are no current plans for the demise of STEPS.
STEPS release their new single, 'Chain Reaction', on September 24, which will be followed by the release of a "radio-friendly" ballad, 'Words Are Not Enough', around Christmas, and the disco track, 'Baby Don't Dance', early next year.
The latter brace of singles will be featured on Steps' forthcoming greatest hits album, Gold, which comes out on October 15.


The last question in our competition is:
What football team does LEE support?
To enter you must mail us using the link below and give us the answers to all 5 questions that we have asked. The closing date is Thursday 16th August. The winner will be notified by e-mail and announced on the site.


STEPS, A1 and Damage will play at the International Festival of Musical Theatre at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium on October 20, where they will perform songs from hit musicals.
The bands join Atomic Kitten, Russell Watson and Charlotte Church at the event, which has been dubbed Live Aid II.
It is being staged in association with the Red Hot Aids Charitable Trust.
(The Sun)


STEPS star 'H' made a special visit to Burry Port this weekend to step into the role of the Godfather.
The energetic popstar, real name Ian Watkins, travelled down to Burry Port's St. Mary's Church to witness the christening of the sons of close friends.
It will be a day never forgotten by Ethan Rhys Morgan, as the two-year-old was officially named as the Godchild of one of the biggest stars in the pop industry.
Even a delay on the motorway couldn't stop 'H' from becoming a Godfather for the first time.
The sun shone down on a glorious day in Burry Port with Ethan and brother Zorran the centre of attention.
Ethan's mother, Hannah, has been close friends with the popular star since they were in school together and both attended the same drama group. His nickname was actually given to him by Hannah - H standing for hyperactive.
But it was only a one-day stop for the international superstar as he concentrates on a tour around the UK, including a performance in Cardiff.
Hannah will be part of the party travelling up to see 'H' in action this November.
'H' said: "I am not the Godfather of any other child. I think it will probably be the last though," he joked. "I am glad to have the honour of being Ethan's Godfather."
(Daily Post)


Due to demand of several mails we have decided to start putting STEPS official newsletters up on the site, because it seems people are having a problem recieving them.
We haven't actually had one for a while due to STEPS taking a short break but this one was issued yeasterday:

Hey there you lot!

How's everything going? Sorry none of us have had a chance to get in contact with you over the last few weeks but we've all been jetting off on holiday for a break before we hit the promo for our next single.
Which, by the way, is Chain Reaction. We'll be performing it on TV soon so you can let us know what you think :o)
That's just one of the songs that we have recorded over the past month or so. We've got quite a few more surprises up our sleeves for our next album release, but to keep them as a surprise I also have to keep them a secret ... for now.
If you had the chance to see us live at a number of the outdoor concerts held by radio stations over the last month I hope you had a fantastic time. Myself and the rest of the gang most certainly did. I got a really good tan too as it's been sunny for every event - which can only be classed as a good thing!
Ooh, I have one last thing to mention and that's the Fan Day at Legoland Windsor being held on Saturday 25th of August. It's been organised by one of our fans just for you, which I think is a fantastic idea. The five of us won't be there unfortunately but the day is about you guys anyway. There will be signed prizes from us for you to win, performances, competitions and much more. Plus you get a great day out at the Legoland theme park.
That's all for now. We'll be in contact again shortly, have no fear.
Love you all,


We recieved an e-mail today saying that due to the lack of chart success STEPS have recieved in Australia recently that they may be dropped by their Australian record label. Their last couple of releases, 'Stomp', 'Here And Now/You'll Be Sorry' and the album 'Buzz' have left no impression on the charts at all, but whether or not they would actually be dropped remains to be seen. Personally I doubt that an act that were as popular as STEPS were in Oz would be dropped so quickly! But if you have any more info on this stoy don't hesitate to contact us.


STEPS will be performing a concert in lovely LISA's hometown Rhyl today. The band are taking part in the BBC's first ever Blue Peter Roadshow. I don't know whether or not they will be shown on the actual show, bu I'd tune in to Blue Peter tonight on BBC1 around 5.00pm just in case they do show some of STEPS performance.


I believe that people have been suffering problems when trying to submit letters to our Talking Point page, well we'll be adding a new mail address to the page so you can mail us directly, don't forget to get your letters in by friday.


Just to remind you that STEPS are appearing at Radio City 96.7's Party At The Pier at the King's Dock in Liverpool - and tickets are going fast!
Tickets cost just £10 and all money goes to the Give A Child A Chance charity. STEPS stole the show last year when they performed an amazing set including No.1 hit single 'Tragedy' with an amazing fireworks display! Don't waste time get your tickets today from

STEPS in Liverpool


CLAIRE will be presenting a TV award show, alongside veteran TV presenter DesO'Connor, that praises ordinary people that look like celebs.
Look-a-likes that will be on the show include those of Victoria Beckham, Geri Halliwell, Martin Kemp (Steve Eastenders) and Jessie Wallace (Kat Eastenders). The show is called Stars And Their Doubles and it starts at 8.30pm on ITV and ends at 10.00pm so we have a full one and half hours of CLAIRE! Can't be bad can it!
Speaking of look-a-likes and impersonators in this weeks Smash Hits magazine there is a feature about tribute bands and there is a STEPS one in there called A Step Beyond it's quite an interestuing article and it covers other trib acts for the likes of Hear'Say and Robbie Williams too, that's out now.


STEPS star LEE LATCHFORD-EVANS has revealed he had never been to a gig until he joined the band.
The first group he saw live was Boyzone.
LEE said he never went to concerts as a teenager because he did not have a particular favourite band.
He said: "The first concert I ever went to was when I was in STEPS. It was Boyzone actually, which wouldn't have been my first choice, but I wanted to see them to see how a concert worked.
"I never had a favourite band. I used to follow Duran Duran, Five Star, Depeche Mode, it was such a mix. But I never wanted to go to concerts and see people 'cos I was never heavily into one group."
STEPS'Gold tour kicks off at Sheffield Arena on November 24, and LEE claims STEPS fans are in for a treat: "In our tours we do a lot of things differently. We don't want people to come along and say 'they did that last time' or 'this is what it was like two years ago' then we're taking money off them for something they've already seen.
"We don't agree with that. So we like to make it very different and special for our fans and our families."
STEPS release their new single, a cover of the Diana Ross hit Chain Reaction, on September 24, which will be followed by their greatest hits compilation, Gold, on October 15.


As you already know the ever so lovely FAYE will be presenting this year's CBBC Proms In The Park, but now we're glad to say tha she will also be performing alongside the rest of STEPS as they have just added themselves to the line up!


To enter you must mail us using the link below and give us the answers to all 5 questions that we have asked. The closing date is today! The winner will be notified by e-mail by 9.00am tomorrow and announced on the site.


We'd like to wish the lovely CLARA a very happy 24th birthday today! We hope she has a great time as she really deserves it!


Don't forget to be up early tomorrow! STEPS will be performing 'Chain Reaction' for the first time on TV tomorrow morning on sm:tv at 09.25am. No doubt they'll be joining in the usual fun as well so set your videos!


'The Chain Reaction' should be getting released to musical channels The Box and Smash Hits TV today. The video has been an MTV Exclusive for a week and is currently at number 9 in MTV's top 10 @10


If you would like to get tickets to see STEPS and a host of stars performing WestEnd musical hits in a concert for an AIDS charity then tickets are available from the Millennium Stadium box office either in person or via the phone on 0870 1211228 or 0870 5582582 costing £15 to £35


There's another edition of talking point today so don't forget to read that plus we'll be launching a new feature soon so we'll keep you informed on that.


Congratulations to our winner Gemma Ryder from Dublin who wins the first STEPS Home UK competition, watch for more comps in the future.


As we revealed a few months ago there will be a brand new STEPS book out in October! STEPS:Gold is the official companion to the STEPS:Gold The Greatest Hits album that is due for release in the UK on 15th October 2001.

Well now the official site has revealed that STEPS will be holing another book signing in Woolworths in London in October the details are as follows:

The book itself documents every corner of our lives since the very first STEPS auditions up until the present day. It takes you through every single and album release, concerts, the highs and lows of pop life and so much more. We'll have more info on this over the weekend!

To launch the book we will be holding an exclusive signing for 500 fans on Wednesday October the 3rd at 4.30pm. The venue is at Woolworths on Edgware Road (near to Hyde Park and the end of Oxford Street) in London.

Tickets are on a strictly first come, first served basis - to apply for a ticket all you have to do is send a letter to the following address enclosing a self addressed envelope:

Barrie Lucas,
Woolworths Plc,
Woolworths House,
242/246 Marylebone Road,
London NW1 6JL

(2 tickets per application only)


STEPS appeared on sm:tv this morning to perform the TV premiere of 'Chain Reaction' it was excellent as always and the crowd seemed to really like it. They seem to have adopted a goldy caramelly colour to wear lately, I wouldn't be surprised if these colours were being used for the 'Gold' covershot and artwork.

As we said yesterday 'Chain Reaction' is now being shown on The Box. It's selection number is 111.
Westlife are currently The Box number 1 with their new single, 'Looking Like That'.

Flopstars Liberty are releasing thier debut single on the same day as STEPS release 'Chain Reaction', the boy-girl fivesome were rejects from the Popstars TV show that gave birth to Hear'Say. They have a big money deal with Virgin although I doubt that they will make much of an impact on the charts to be honest.


Below we have the official tracklisting and coverwork from STEPS new Gold album! It's set to be a brilliant album! It contains all their hit singles plus some new tracks including 'Words Are Not Enogh' which is set to be the Xmas release and 'Baby Don't Dance' which will be released next year.
The tracklisting is as follows:
1. Tragedy
2. One For Sorrow
3. Stomp
4. Better Best Forgotten
5. Love's Got A Hold of My Heart
6. Deeper Shade of Blue
7. Last Thing On My Mind
8. Better The Devil You Know
9. Summer of Love
10. 5, 6, 7, 8
11. Chain Reaction
12. Baby Don't Dance
13. It's The Way You Make Me Feel
14. After The Love Has Gone
15. Here and Now
16. Say You'll Be Mine
17. Only In My Dreams
18. Words Are Not Enough
19. When I Said Goodbye
20. Heartbeat



If you hear of massive depression sweeping America it could be down to the following news. H from STEPS has just announced the band have abandoned all hope of cracking the lucrative US market. "Our sound is very British," he says. "Who knows how it would go down over there?" Erm, badly?
(The Sunday Mirror)


We're introducing a new members only club to the site.
The idea is so that regular visitors of STEPS Home UK and the most dedicated STEPS fans get a few extras as a sort of thankyou.
The extras will include a weekly newsletter which comes complete with a 'photo of the week', a brief update of the STEPS news featured on our site and any news on photo specials etc that we have up on the site. You will also get exclusive downloads that will not be available to non-club members.
You will be given a password which can be used to open up new areas of the site that will be opening soon and get the opportunity to enter exclusive member only competitions!
As a member of the club you will also recieve news on tour dates before they are announced! It's a great opportunity to stay a STEP ahead of your friends!
So join today! Simply visit the Gold Members Club page and sign up!


Teenybop band STEPS look set to run into problems after singer IAN "H" WATKINS announced he wants to embark on a solo career.In a comment that hints he is becoming fed up with his band's camp disco hits, H claims his songs will be "more soulful and have more depth than STEPS."H says, "I'm looking forward to doing a solo project. I think that's definitely the natural way to progress as an artist. It's inevitable.""I'm working with different songwriters and producers. I'm going to Sweden to work with a guy who has written songs for Britney Spears.""I think my solo stuff will be more soulful than STEPS and have a little bit more depth really. Something a lot more me."The former Butlins redcoat also confirms that he will make his debut in London's West End next year. WATKINS has been offered the part of Jesus Christ in a musical entitled, "Godspell.""If I've got the time to do it I will," enthuses H, "a big West End musical like that is something I've always wanted to do."The show is going to be great and the songs in it are fantastic."Godspell is not specifically about Jesus, it's more about the Bible fables."
(MTV Asia)


STEPS' CLAIRE RICHARDS has to stand next to H for a living. So it takes a lot to embarrass this girl.
Nevertheless, viewers watched her turn pink, red and then a deep crimson as the full disaster of Stars And Their Doubles 2001 unfolded.
According to host Des O'Connor, the show was: "Thirty of Britain's best lookalikes competing for the accolade of Lookalike of the Year."
But Des wasn't taking any chances. He claimed CLAIRE had been roped into the nastiness because: "I'm not going to take all the blame myself." And I don't think he was joking.
A quick scan of the contestants revealed Tina Turner as if she'd just been duffed up by Ike, a bulimic-looking Geri Halliwell and, just like the words of her famous song, Diana Ross had indeed been turned "inside out".
Also on show were: David Bowie: The cocaine years; that famous comedy duoStan Laurel and Oliver Reed and a salivating Hannibal Lecter, who was the absolute spit of Ronnie Biggs, some time between his second and third stroke.
Others were only slightly more promising. Catherine Zeta Jones was pregnant again. With triplets.
Posh Spice admitted: "I can't sing or dance" a gimme but was let down by her lack of acne.
To fill the rest of the 90 minutes some of the better lookalikes Elton, Prince William, Madonna went out in London, "to see how the public would react".
Depressingly, the public reacted like dribbling, star-struck sycophants, except one lone voice which piped up: "It's a man dressed as Madonna." Then there were the judges. Sitting mute and shameless on a set that looked like the toilet block on Blake's 7's Liberator were Survivor "genius" Nigel Lythgoe, Fiona Phillips and Claire bloody Sweeney.
On everything, from Do Us A Favour to Prince Philip's 80th birthday celebrations, CLAIRE finally looks to have cut her ambitious throat with this one.
Cos when ITV do bad, they do it in style.
Yet, murderous as it was, Stars And Their Doubles contained unintentional moments of comedy brilliance.
Mika Hakkinen and Victor Meldrew doing the jitterbug to Simply The Best will live long in the memory.
And I also liked this exchange between Des and Best Sports Lookalike Prince Naseem.
Des: "I gather you live somewhere unusual?"
Naz: "Yeah, Runcorn."
Des: "No, I meant the YMCA."
But they were all topped when it was revealed that Best Film Star winner Jack Nicholson, from Port Talbot, "couldn't be with us tonight, because he's on holiday." Holiday from what?
At the end of the mayhem, Del Boy wept tears of joy as he scooped the blue riband title Lookalike of the Year 2001 (yeah, like it's gonna be back next year).
Great fun, but comfortably my new "worst programme of the year".
Simple reason for the mess was ITV's panic over huge BBC1 ratings (nine million) for Airport. Hence other recent Thursday offerings, which include three Touch Of Frost repeats from 1996, the dismal Soap Secrets and Britain's Brainiest Kid.
Next week at the same time?
Britain's Most Wanted Murderers.
And if CLAIRE RICHARDS isn't among them for slugging Des O'Connor, I'll want to know why.
(Ally Ross - The News Of The World)


H from STEPS was just one step away from being sacked from his job as a blue coat on Barry Island! H got into trouble after he romanced a young girl and kept her out until 3am. The girl, who was only 14, and H who at the time was only 18, angered her parents after staying out until the early hours of the morning! The girls father complained to H's bosses, but the girl stood up for H and he escaped the sack.
H later wrote to her thanking her for standing up for him. What a gent!
(The News Of The World)


A good magazine to get is the new issue of TV Hits, it contains a three page interview with STEPS on the set of their new video, altenatively you can read the interview in our Chain Reaction Special by clicking the link on the front page!

Gold Club Members will be recieving an exclusive preview of a Chain Reaction Wallpaper - if you're not a member of the Gold Club you can download the wallpaper from the site from Friday.

We'd also like to say a big thankyou to Chris who has agreed to do some vidcaps for the site and hopefully some audio as well, he is a welcome addition to the STEPS Home UK team so we hope he enjoys working with us!



There'll be a double bill of STEPTACULAR fun for you on Bank Holiday Monday. Sky One will be showing STEPS In South Africa, a documentary charting STEPS' promotional tour there in January 2000, and after that at 1.30pm they'll be showing The One And Only STEPS , which is a condensed TV concert with all of STEPS greatest hits including 'Better Best Forgotten' and 'When I Said Goodbye'.
(Thanks to Laura for that info)


STEPS are off to war - the group have been booked to perform for 20,000 British troops serving in the Middle East.
In October, the group will play two nights in Oman in front of army, navy and airforce men and women.
"We consider it a tremendous honour to entertain British Forces overseas," said Faye. "We've never done it before, but we provide a great live show, so hopefully, we'll put a few smiles on a few faces."
H added that while the band don't have any military experience, they'll be fine if war breaks out.
"I was a Red Coat in Butlins so I reckon I can have a go at getting red and angry," said H.
And according to H they're not scared about playing in front of many people, because their own Sergeant Major, LEE, will make sure the gig goes off with a bang.
"LEE's the most mature out of us, although he's not a loud, shouting sergeant. He'd be more likely to say, 'Come on chaps, fall in.'"
LEE admitted none of them would be up for any army exercises. "H has been working out so he wouldn't be too bad but the girls are too busy looking beautiful."
But they do think their outfits will pass military inspection.
"The clothes I wore in the video for Heartbeat were camouflage. I even wore it in our first ever video - I was making pasta!" said CLAIRE.
(Smash Hits)


Belgian radio station Donna has reported that STEPS next release in Belgium will be their UK hit 'Summer Of Love' and Belgin mag Joespie apparently say this will be followed up by the relases of 'Words Are Not Enough' and 'Baby Don't Dance' which are both taken from the forthcoming Gold album.
(Thanks to Charlotte for this info)


We have another new member of the STEPS Home UK Team. We'd like to thank Nick for agreeing to help out with graphics and wallpapers etc


Join LISA, FAYE, CLAIRE, LEE and H from STEPS and make your smooches count by supporting the Kiss Goodbye To Breast Campaign, led by Avon in partnership with the charity Breakthrough Breast Cancer.
The campaign hopes to raise £1 million for vital research projects and you can help by buying one of ltd edition products available through Avon and their website
Th face towel is £2.99 and is covered in kisses from the girls and guys from STEPS and at least £1 from every towel will go to Breakthrough.

Breat Cancer Charity Breat Cancer Charity


Thanks to Nick for telling us that his local radio station in the North East has started to play STEPS new single 'Chain Reaction'.
The single has not yet been added to the Radio 1 playlist...


As you already know we've been nominated for a Dotmusic award and now we've been nominated as best STEPS news site in the STEPS 2001 awards, feel free to vote for us by clicking the links on the front page.


Below is the cover for CD1 of the Chain Reaction single set. Yep that's right STEPS next single will be released on 2CDs! And not only will contain a brand newnever heard before track called 'Stop Me Loving You'
The single is out on 24th September followed by the Gold album on 15th October.
The Tracklisting is as follows:

1. Chain reaction (radio edit)
2. One for sorrow (Tony Moran remix)
3. Stop me loving you

1. Chain reaction (Album Mix)
2. Chain reaction (Sleaze Sisiters)
3. One for sorrow (Sleaze Sisiters)

Chain Reaction CD1


Wow, here we are again! Another year, another book, another album and another tour. We still cant believe how incredible it is being in STEPS, and once again we want to say a massive thank you to all of you for making all of this possible. Weve had the most amazing time over the past few years, travelling the world, making videos and creating songs. We feel that one of the secrets of our success is the fact that weve enjoyed everything weve done so much, and we hope that by doing that we bring a bit of STEPS sunshine into the lives of everyone who listens to our records, reads our books, watches our videos, or comes to see us in concert. Just to make sure you really know how much youre all appreciated, weve decided to celebrate the life of STEPS so far by bringing you a whole Greatest Hits extravaganza in the shape of Gold: the album, the tour and of course, the book! Read on to discover which of our tracks are our favourites and discover some of our best-kept tour and video secrets! We want you to think of Gold as the end of the first chapter of the STEPS story and the beginning of a new exciting one! Weve all still got so many ambitions and dreams we want to fulfil, and we know that with the support of you, our loyal fans, we can do just about anything.
(Excerpted from Steps Gold - Our Greatest Hits by Steps. Copyright © 2001. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.


STEPS babe CLAIRE and her dancer boyfriend Mark Webb have got engaged.
Mark popped the question on her 24th birthday on August 17 and Claire said yes.
All three girls are now engaged and making plans to walk up the aisle.
Well done to CLAIRE and Mark.
I look forward to receiving my invite for the big day!
(Rav Singh - News Of The World)


Blimey! STEPS are a busy lot. Just a glimpse of their packed schedule is enough to get you in a sweat.
TV shows, packed gigs, personal appearances... but they've still found time to answer your e-mails in our latest StarChat special.
It couldn't be easier to ask them a question. Just stick it in an e-mail and send it to
CLAIRE, FAYE, LISA, H and LEE will then choose their favourites and we will post the answers up here later in the week.
(The News Of The World)


Just to let you know that you can now find us at which I'm sure you'll agree is a lot easier than our old address!

Also we've got our own wap site so you can be up to date on the latest STEPS news froim your mobile phone wherever you are!
The address is



It really will be a STEPtastic day today! STEPS will be headlining at the Party At The Pier concert at the King's Dock in Liverpool and appearing at the Birmingham Party In The Park at the Alexandra Stadium. The band will be flying by helicopter from Birmingham to Liverpool where they will wow fans with an extra long set to celebrate their Gold Greatest Hits albums release in October.
But fear not if you can't make either of these gigs because Sky One are staging a STEPS TV extravaganza starting at 1.30pm with STEPS In South Africa followed by a brilliant TV Concer, The One And Only STEPS, at 1.30pm. To see vid caps of The One And Only STEPS visit our vid caps page.


LEE has split with his girlfriend, glamour model Emma B, it is believed that the pair shared a few cosy dinner dates and were recently snapped strolling hand in hand in a park near Lee's home in Ruslip, London. However the model is now declaring undying love for ex East 17 singer Brain Harvey, after she met him on the set of his new video. LEE's ex Vicky from Girls@Play is also enjoying dates with some one new..she's found love with a star of TV's Survivor series.


STEPS proved they really know how to party last night when they got 30,000 fans up and dancing at Liverpool's Party At The Pier.
They performed an excellent set which consisted of their No.1 hit singles Tragedy and Stomp plus old faves like One For Sorrow and It's The Way You Make Me Feel and the more current hit Here And Now this was rounded off perfectly by a show stopping encore of their new single Chain Reaction.
The crowd went wild and STEPS definately got the biggest cheer of the night!
The band who had earlier appeared in Birmingham flew into Liverpool in two private helicopters. Later on Radio City they told how fans had thought the helicopters belonged to Posh Spice, Victoria Beckham but H joked that they had seen her peddling up the motorway on a push bike to the event.
They also chatted about their Greatest Hits album Gold and told how it was the end of the first chapter of STEPS and definately the beginning of even better and brighter things to come! And as far as I'm concerned last night's performance proved that!


STEPS have already filmed the video to their chritmas single Words Are Not Enough in a studio in London. The video will feature STEPS and a lot of magical mirrors...


We gave CLAIRE her birthday card yesterday and she wanted to thank everyone who signed it for her, she was really made up with and looked really pleased when we gave it to her!

Despite rumours in the News Of The World that CLAIRE has got engaged to her boyfriend Mark Webb she was not wearing an engagemnet ring...


STEPS' official site for the US has been updated with the news that you can now request Mars And Venus (We Fall In Love Again) on US radio stations. For more info and to request the song visit


Manufactured chart-topping bands will appeal to audiences "less and less" because of the internet, according to new research.
Acts such as Atomic Kitten, Hear'Say and STEPS have all enjoyed chart success after being backed by the marketing machines of record companies.
But the internet could bring a diverse range of music to the fingertips of record-buyers who will browse cyberspace and choose for themselves, according to arts consultant Julia Payne.
Her report in the journal Cultural Trends, published by independent research organisation, the Policy Studies Institute, suggest the main role of the internet will probably be as a marketing tool.
It says: "Bands will promote themselves on the net, some with great - and unpredictable - ingenuity, achieving wide exposure at minimal cost."
Commentators have already credited British band Radiohead's success in the US to their following on the internet.
Record companies will also source new talent by using the internet, according to the paper.
"Manufactured pop of the sort that reaches the charts now will appeal to audiences less and less, as they become more used to browsing - and choosing - for themselves.
"More music will break into the market, in a wider range of styles, making it harder for one to maintain total market dominance for any length of time."
It adds: "High-earning centre-mainstream space will be fiercely contested, the stars of the future passing through in faster and faster succession."


Make sure you watch CITV this Friday if you can as we'll be
hitting the road with them!
If you can't make it to the live event in person be sure to tune in your goggle boxes (that's a TV to the less insane amongst us) to ITV at 3.20pm for the start of the proceedings. We'll be performing Chain Reaction, chatting to the fabulous Danielle and co. at Thorpe Park alongside the diva-tastic Mumba, Samantha Mumba. Not a show to be missed, that's for sure!
We'll also be joined by Emma Bunton in Blackpool for the turning on of the lights at the Blackpool Illuminations. If you're in the area pop down for the event, it'll be great!


We have news on some global releases of STEPS singles over the next few months or so...

Canada - Buzz will be released on 11th September 2001

Australia - It is expected a double A-side release of Chain Reaction/Summer Of Love will be the next single down under!

Belgium - Summer Of Love will be released next month followed by Chain Reaction and the Gold album in December.

New Zeland - Here And Now/You'll Be Sorry is out this week!

If you have any more info on STEPS releases in your country why not mail us the details at STEPS Home UK!


STEPS will be in Blackpool this evening to turn on the Christams lights. If you are in the area you should pop down to see them, but if not then don't fear cos you'll be able to here all the fun as it happens on Radio 2 from 8.30pm.
Don't forget to tune into CITV at 3.20pm this afternoon to see STEPS take part in their roadshow at Thorpe Park. They will be performing the excellent Chain Raection!


There's a new issue of Talking Point today so check that out and see if one of your letters is up there!
Also we've done the usual monthly updates such as a new STEPS quiz and a new Photo Of The Month.