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Oct 2001


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STEPS sold an amazing 108,000 copies of their latest single 'Chain Reaction' last week proving that any other week they would have topped the charts with no worries!


Due toa publishing error on the new STEPS official book -'STEPS Gold Our Greatest Hits' many have been retracted from stores and some have not even been sent from the publishers. Online book store Amazon are predicting a 5-8 week wait and only selected branches of WH Smiths and Waterstones are stocking the book. We've been lucky enough to get hold of a copy and I'm sure people attending the book signing on wednesday will be able to buy one there.


You can help STEPS show the rest of Planet Pop they they really are top of the pops by voting for them in this years Smash Hit's Poll Winners Party.
This year for the first time ever we can vote for fave popsters (STEPS Obv!) online which means that not only can their loyal fans from overseas have a say, but we can all vote several time! (naughty I know, but I'm sure other peoples fans will do the same!) so get your fingers a clickin' (isn't that a line from 5,6,7,8?!) and get voting!
Every vote in any catergory counts so if you think LISA is the sexiest woman on planet pop or you think that H has the best male haircut let them know and don't forget to vote for them in all the really important catergories like Best Live Act, Best Band, Best Single, Best Video etc...
You can vote by clicking on the button on the bottom of this page!


Most of STEPS Hits are 'better best forgotten', but nobody could deny the all-singing, all-dnacing, all-studying CLAIRE was a hit when it came to being a model student. Nine GCSEs and three A-levels are hardly a tradgedy. "I always used to sit at the front of the class. People thought I was a swot" says CLAIRE. Whatevere gave them that idea?!
(People Magazine)


Smash Hits have got a new poster special out called Top 100 Sexiest People in pop, it features all five STEPSters, but LISA is the only one who has a poster devoted to herself because she's the only one who got in the top 10. It costs 3.50 and is well worth it just to laugh at some of the candidates that are supposedly sexier than our super sexy STEPSters!


STEPS are to sign copies of their new book Gold at a branch of Woolworth's in London.
LEE, CLAIRE, LISA, H and FAYE will visit the Edgware Road branch on October 3.
A greatest hits CD of the same name is released on October 15.
Gold is the first book written by STEPS.
In the book, the band members look back over their singles, the videos that have gone with them and the best moments from their live shows.
STEPS say Gold is only the "end of the first chapter" in their career and have rubbished recent rumours the greatest hits CD signals their demise.


As you should know by know October is breast cancer awareness month and STEPS have become very involved with raising money for this charity. In another stunt to raise money for the campaign CLAIRE, LISA and FAYE have been photographed by Linda McCartney's (who sadly died of breast Cancer)daughter Mary. The photos are part of an exhibition called 'Necklines' and will be on display in the Happel Hotel in London. The exhibition features photos lot's of famous women including Twiggy, Zoe Ball and Kate Moss all the photos will be on sale from the end of the month with all profits going to the charity.
To learn more about Breast cancer awareness month visit


CLAIRE is the cover girl on the new Avon catalogue she's modelling their new range of lipstick and nail varnish. for more info visit

Firstly we're sorry for there being no update yesterday as we were in London for the STEPS signing. However there was no realy important news yesterday anyway.


British troops being treated to a performance by Geri Halliwell, say they'd rather watch the football.
The former Spice Girl will now perform on Saturday night, instead of in the afternoon as planned.
Troops say they want to watch England's match against Greece first.
Geri, STEPS and comedian Bobby Davro will perform after the game, for 7,000 troops at Camp South in Oman.
The stars will spend a day with RAF forces before the performance, as part of a morale boosting tour named 'Operation Ginger'.
They will then travel north for a performance at Camp
Fairbairn, where the Royal Marines are in training.
The performers have been assured of their safety, despite the current fears over terrorism.


Just to clear things up as we've getting loads of mails saying the same thing - will STEPS Gold be out on video? - well the answer is YES and it will be out on DVD too! All formats of Gold will avavailable from 15th October.


STEPS look likely to slip down two places to No.4 in this weeks Top 10 with Kylie still hanging onto the top spot. Chain Reaction is still selling well though and looks likely to be one of their biggest selling hits for some time!


The bookies have put STEPS on a 2-1 chance of being the next pop group to split up. It seems that they have chosen STEPS due to the fact that their
recent single is a cover of the Diana Ross hit, Chain Reaction, and that STEPS will be releasing their Greatest Hits album, Gold, on October 15 as
well as a video, book, and tour. But STEPS stress that the Gold tour is NOT a farewell tour and that they are just closing the end of the first chapter.
The decision may also be due to the fact that recently revealed that LEE considered quiting the band after an offer in an American sitcom.
LEE also says he would love to star in a film one day.
Also on the Popstars list are A1 with a 5-2, Hear'say with a 7-2 and Liberty
(the Flopstars) with a 4-1 chance. No sign of S Club then.
(Thanks to Nick)
STEPS Home UK Say: STEPS are NOT splitting up and the reasons the bookies have given for thinking so are ridiculous so don't worry STEPS will be around for a long time yet!


Two mags out now that are packed with STEPPY goodies are Smash Hits - which has FAYE in the hot seat and Top Of The Pops - which has an interview with the band and a gorgeous poster of lush LISA!


STEPS have announced a matinee gig at the Manchester Evening New Arena on 22nd December 2001. Tickets are on sale from 9.00am this morning.


STEPS are saying they will go ahead with their concert for British troops tomorrow despite the imminate threat over the Middle East. FAYE said 'When my Mum heard I was going she said she was really proud of me for going out to put smiles on the soldiers faces as they may be feeling down at the moment'. Lee added 'We'll be fine so please nobody worry about us'.


We're very sorry that we didn't get to see everyone at the book signing yesterday.
Unfortunately the organisers gave out 800 tickets instead of 500 which meant there were more people than we could see before 6pm. The five of us really would loved to have stayed to see everyone but we had to leave at 6pm to get to a TV studio to record a show with Cliff Richard.
We hope those of you that did get in had a good time. For those that didn't get in you can send your ticket with your name, address and telephone number on it to the below address and we'll ensure you get tickets to the next signing we do! :)
Fiona McBain
Virgin Publishing
Thames Wharf Studios
Rainville Road
London W6 9HT
(STEPS Official)


STEPS have been chosen to be the headline entertainment act at the Tetley Super League Grand Final on Saturday 13th October. The fun kicks off at 6.30pm and they'l be performing some of their hits including Tragedy and Chain Reaction.


STEPS stunners LISA SCOTT-LEE and FAYE TOZER certainly made their presence known at last night's MOBO awards. The girls who looked stunning in black leather and lace turned up to see the awards for music of black origin in London.

Faye and Lisa at the MOBO Awards


STEPS flew out to Oman last night to prepare for their concert for the British Troops out there. They will joined by Geri Halliwell and comdien Bobby Davro. The band are expected to perform a string of their hits on a make shift stage made by the soldiers in the middle of the dessert.

Here's a letter from yesterday's Mirror:
Shame on Janet Jackson for backing out of her European tour. Because of terrorist attacks on the USA she doesn't want to risk flying.
With airline job losses, she's setting a bad example.
It's safer than ever to fly now because of the increase in security and we should be getting on planes and showing the terrorists that we won't be defeated.
Janet should be follow STEPS' example - they're flying to the Middle East to entertain our troops.
Peter Hennessy, Kenton, Middlesex


Who's the mystery brunette in the photo below?! Have STEPS got themselves a sixth member? No! It's our very own CLAIRE getting ready to take to the stage as her hero Karen Carpenter in tonights Celebrity Stars In Their Eyes Special!
CLAIRE says she was so petrified she almost locked herself in the dressing room! Make sure you tune in at 6.10pm on ITV tonight to see how she gets on!



FAYE and her finace Jasper Irn have sensationally revealed that they have been engaged for the past THREE YEARS! And it was FAYE who proposed marriage!
In the new edition of OK magazine FAYE reveals that the copuple had managed to hide their engagement since the 22nd May 1998!, just after STEPS' second single 'Last Thing On My Mind' hit the charts. At the time FAYE was denying that she even had a boyfriend.
She admits that she kept it a secret because she didn't want it to be ruined by being in the media spotlight.
'When you're famous the real point of getting married can be taken away from you' says FAYE.
She also reveals that she proposed to Jasper by writing 'Will You Marry Me?' on their bathroom tiles with her eyebrow pencil and he replied 'Yes' by writing it underneath with one of her lipsticks.


Singer Geri Halliwell, who will entertain our boys today in the Gulf state of Oman, left military chiefs shell-shocked by an astonishing list of demands to keep her sweet.
Air conditioned tents for Geri, her stage crew and dancers were the first targets in her firing line.
A fridge had to be installed at her makeshift dressing room in the desert, stocked with soya milk and fruit juice.
Irons, ironing boards, clothes racks, a computer with full internet access and the full range of showbiz paraphernalia also had to be flown in to make the dusty arena appear like a major venue.
One Army officer sighed: "The woman is a nightmare. It
has been quite an eye-opener trying to look after her and cater for her every demand. Where are we supposed to find soya milk from here?
"It was great when she originally agreed to do it, we thought it would be a good reward for the men who have been working so hard. But the feeling among a lot of us now is that it's all been too much effort for what it's worth.
"Someone a little less demanding would have been far better."
But Geri's demands didn't stop there. She insisted that she travelled on a separate part of the plane from her support act, pop band STEPS.
And at their five-star Hilton Salalah hotel, she decreed, they must stay on a different wing so she doesn't have to bump into them.
Geri's management have also banned all media coverage of the concert - remarkably her very first full solo show - because she is terrified that critics may pan her.
Show compere, comedian Bobby Davro, told The Mirror last night: "I haven't met Geri before, I am looking forward to it. She certainly has a reputation though."
The show for 6,000 servicemen and women will be held at the desolate forces base Camp South,where they on military exercises.
Flight Lieutenant Tony Marshall admitted the event - dubbed The Geri Show - was "quite a logistical feat".
But he said bravely: "It will be excellent for morale and give everybody a real lift - it's going to be a bit of a carnival."
(The Mirror)


'To STEPS singer LISA SCOTT-LEE, When you return form entertaining the troops, I beg you to give Katy Hill's husband Andrew Frampton a call. You were such a comfort to him last time they split up!'
(UK Confidential - The News Of The World)


The STEPS team and myself would like to congratulate you on such a great website dedicated to STEPS, and also to say hello to the many STEPS fans who visit this website regulary.
As you know STEPS are in Oman at the moment, permorming to the Army. Also this month the Gold album and book is out along with the Gold tour taking place at the end of the year, we hope you enjoy them as much as we are.
The production team and myself have been in Denmark, working with new producers.
We hope to hear from you soon
Andrew Goldmark

Andrew worked with STEPS on their last album Buzz and he's obviously working with them on their new stuff too, which is great because some of the best tracks on Buzz were associated with him.


Two mags you should get this week are the new issues of Smash Hits - Which has FAYE in the hot seat answering your questions and Top Of The Pops - Which has an interview with fab five with a twist and a cool poster!


STEPS have decided to stay in Oman to perform another gig out there. It is thought they will return to the UK later in the week.
They are determined to perform another gig to help the soldiers deal with the pressures that are now upon them in the face of last nights announcement that the UK and US have begun our war with terroism.
The hit band, who have scored No.1 singles with their tracks Tragedy and Stomp, flew out to Oman on Saturday along with ex Spice Girl Geri Halliwell to perform a morale boosting show for soldiers out there.
During their show excited soldiers pushed to the front of the stage and the band were forced to stop until everyone got back to avoid any accidents


Miffed pop band STEPS have hit back at Geri Halliwell's prima donna antics at their desert gig.
The former Spice Girl insisted they were kept away from her as they entertained 7000 British troops in Oman at the weekend.
Her shocking demands also include a fridge full of soya milk.
But last night, STEPS' patience finally snapped.
Their spokesman said: "STEPS are not an argumentive bunch. We were told to do a show, not worry about soya milk. It's not clear whether there was any argument but if there was then it's a bit sad."
Rumours have swept the Gulf venue that STEPS and Geri can't stand the sight of each other.
But the spokesman denied they had ever had any run ins and couldn't understand why Geri had taken a sudden dislike to them.
He said: "STEPS have met Geri before. There's never been any problem. I haven't heard anything bad about her."
Army chiefs had to jump through hoops to keep the two acts apart as they were due on stage within minutes of each other.
Huge efforts were made to ensure both artists wre never in the same place at the same time.
Organisers even had to devise a plan to prevent them bumping into each other in the foyer of the hotel they were sharing.
A spokesman said: "It's just been a nightmare to plan all this. There's more friction here than there is between our regiments."
Geri's camp were unavailable for comment.
The chart toppers were meant to be on a week-long morale boosting tour of the Middle East for troops who are about to wage war on terrorism.
But before getting on stage Geri seemed more interested in her own morale, issuing a bizarre string of demands which included air conditioned tents with stocked fridges, 24-hour access to the internet in her dressing room and irons and racks for her designer clothes.
Once on stage, she wowed the crowd in a range of skimpy outfits.
Geri teased: "Hello boys. This is my first time, so be gentle with me. I hope I dressed appropriately."
Private John Mackay, 19, from Wishaw said: "All the guys got a kick out of being in the glamour world of rock 'n' roll, even though it meant sweating buckets in the searing heat. It was a welcome break from all this tension flying around."
(Daily Record)


STEPS stunner CLAIRE RICHARDS can't wait to get to Glasgow - so she can start her Christmas shopping.
Last year, the blonde beauty bought all of her presents in Scotland and is planning to do the same this year when the STEPS Gold tour calls at the SECC in November.
CLAIRE, 24, said: "I love going to Glasgow - it has the best shopping the country. And I know - I shop everywhere."
She added: "Last Christmas, I bought my boyfriend a watch from the little arcade full of jewellers and watch shops. There's also a Gadget Shop where I bought my dad one of those back massagers you put on chairs. I also got my boyfriend a pair of shoes, a bag and trainers. He did alright actually - but saying that, I did alright from him as well."
One present CLAIRE has yet to receive from dancer boyfriend Mark Webb is an engagement ring. She is the only one of the STEPS girls not to be engaged - despite reports to the contrary.
She said: "It was news to me and news to my boyfriend that we were engaged. He was shocked to say the least, but he was more upset about the fact it said he proposed to me on my birthday. He said 'They must think I am so lame to propose on your birthday.' We are very happy, but not engaged."
(The Daily Record)


Thanks to Pete for sending this is in, it's the rumoured set list for the Gold tour:

Chain Reaction
Summer Of Love
Better The Devil You Know
Words Are Not Enough
LISA Solo- Total Eclipse Of The Heart
FAYE Solo - R Dancing (remix)
Last Thing On My Mind / Love's Got A Hold On My Heart Medley
It's The Way You Make Me Feel
Here And Now
Better Best Forgotten / After The Love Has Gone Medley
Only In My Dreams
LEESolo- Give It Up
CLAIRE Solo - One For Sorrow (Acoustic Version)
Deeper Shade Of Blue
H Solo - Oxygen
Baby Don't Dance
Greatest Hits Megamix

I don't know how true this set list is, because I had heard that FAYE would be doing a remixed version of , If You Believe, but if it is true then we're certainly in for a great show!


STEPS will be playing their second concert for British troops on military exercises in Oman tonight. They will be joined by Geri Halliwell and comedian Bobby Davro. They are expected home at the end of the week.
LEE and FAYE have sent a message to fans urging them not to worry about the band, after the war in the Middle East broke out, FAYE was even joking that she's topping up her sun tan in the scorching heat!


STEPS look set on sticking around in the Top 5 with Chain Reaction for their third week. Current chart postions see them holding on to the No.4 postion in the charts.
Chain Reaction has been one of STEPS most suceesful singles for a while and looks set to go Gold or Platinum with next weeks sales.


We did report on this story last week, but have just re-run it so here it is anyway. We'd just say the same thing as we said last time and that's - STEPS are NOT splitting!!!!

Bookmakers William Hill say STEPS are odds-on favourites to follow Five's example and split before the end of the year.
William Hill cites the release of the band's greatest hits album Gold as a sign of STEPS' imminent demise.
They make the band 2/1 favourites to be the next big pop band to break up.
The bookies are also citing other factors including H's wish to appear in musicals, Lee's interest in film acting and the girl's long-term relationships as other possible factors.
A1 are quoted as 5/2 second favourites to split next, followed by Hear'Say at 7/2, Liberty at 4/1 and The Spice Girls at 5/1, reports NME.
Rumours that STEPS are set to part company have been constantly denied by their spokespeople.


H will be on Celebrity Ready Steady Cook tonight with competing against Big Brother loser, and fellow blonde Welsh nutter Helen Adams. The pair end the show with a food fight so this not to be missed! Check the dairy page for details.


Geri Halliwell and STEPS have spoken for the first time after their concerts entertaining the British troops in Oman, with STEPS calling the show the most sexually-charged experience of their lives! According to a UK tabloid CLAIRE said, 'Some of the soldiers have been out here for three months in the desert without sex, so we decided to give them a bit of glamour and show a bit of flesh. They loved it when we changed into our nurses' outfits for Chain Reaction!' Geri Halliwell also wore a uniform but plumped for her own soldiers' outfit to sing a version of the '70s sitcom It Ain't Half Hot Mum's theme tune. Surprisingly Geri also performed Spice Girls' song Who Do You Think You Are? The Oman concert was the first occasion Geri had performed a Spice song since leaving the band. The Oman troops are based in the desert and had christened the natural landscape 'Halliwell Hills' in anticipation of Geri's visit. Both Geri and STEPS admitted they had never seen anything like the troops' reaction to their performances. 'Our audiences are usually kids and parents,' STEPS' CLAIRE RICHARDS told The Daily Star. 'I've never seen so many men at a STEPS gig - well, not straight men! They've been very attentive. I've never had my picture taken or signed autographs for so many men before.' After the Oman show, STEPS travelled inland to perform a show for the Marines. The band visited aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious but had to leave quickly before the US launched their attacks on Afghanistan. H also got to fly a Hercules aircraft even though he can't even drive a car! STEPS will return to Britain today to promote their forthcoming greatest hits album, Gold. The band will be signing copies of the album at the Virgin Megastore in Piccadilly Circus on Monday at 5pm. The event is strictly ticket only and tickets will be allocated on a first come first serve basis from the Megastore from 11am on Sunday 14 October.
(World Pop)


STEPS will meet fans at a signing session for their forthcoming Greatest Hits album 'GOLD' in LONDON. The group will be signing copies of 'Gold' at the Virgin Megastore in Piccadilly, London on October 15. Entry to the event is via ticket only, to be allocated on a first-come first-served basis to personal callers at the store from 11am on October 14.


Bookies are currently offering odds of 25/1 that STEPS will score this years Christmas No.1 with their new ballad Words Are Not Enough. William Hill reckon Westlife are faves to clinch the festive top spot!


One For Sorrow
Better Best Forgotten
Loves Got A Hold Of My Heart
Deeper Shade of Blue
Last Thing On My Mind
Better The Devil You Know
Summer of Love
Chain Reaction
Its The Way You Make Me Feel
After The Love Has Gone
Here & Now
Say You'll Be Mine
When I Said Goodbye
You'll Be Sorry
One For Sorrow (US Version)

DVD Bonuses include:

Getting To Know The Band
Band History
Making Of Chain Reaction
Artist/Director views on the videos
Photo Gallery

I'd imagine the VHS will have very similar tracklisting to be honest.


Lisa STEPS shares her golden moments over a cuppa in the cd:uk caf.

worldpop: If you had to pick one gold moment from your time so far in STEPS what would it be?
Lisa: I know that the others would probably say the Brit Awards because that was really memorable for all of us but one of my favourite moments was one of my birthdays. We were on tour at Wembley and the rest of the guys got the whole audience to sing happy birthday to me. There were like 15,000 people there so it was really emotional.

worldpop: If I gave you three wishes, what would you choose?
Lisa: My first wish would be for a holiday and my other two wishes would probably be for more holidays! I would love to get a No 1 with Gold as well.

worldpop: Now that you're on to STEPS' greatest hits album, would you like a solo career?
Lisa: I think that within STEPS there are a lot of opportunities and we can all go on to do whatever we like really. Obviously STEPS is our priority but personally speaking I'd love to carry on with presenting as I've done quite a bit of that and I really enjoyed it. I'd like to have a solo career and do TV and films and all sorts really. I'm quite ambitious.

worldpop: What kind of music would you do if you had a solo pop career?
Lisa: I think if I did go solo I wouldn't necessarily do the music we do now in STEPS but then again I wouldn't want to go too far away because I wouldn't want to lose the fans we have. I actually started writing songs before STEPS but I don't think people realise we all write because it took three albums before we used our material. We're all writing for the fourth STEPS album which will come after Gold and I'm writing for myself too.

worldpop: Would you like your own clothes range like J Lo?
Lisa: I haven't really thought about launching my own clothes range but I know it's something Faye would like to do. She's really creative and she likes to customise her own clothes so she'd like to do it.

worldpop: Now that you and Faye are engaged can we expect to see any STEPS babies?
Lisa: Aw! Well we feel like babies ourselves! I know at the moment we're a bit like the grandparents of pop because there are lots of new bands who are younger than us, but I still feel quite young and I'm not ready for kids yet. We're still so busy with STEPS. I do admire people who manage to have a pop career and a baby but I won't just yet. But definitely one day.

worldpop: Would you like to have your own STEPS TV series?
Lisa: STEPS would love to have our own show! We have done one-off specials like STEPS Into Summer and STEPS To The Stars, STEPS everything really! I hope we could have our own series one day.

worldpop: What's the biggest present you've bought yourself since joining STEPS?
Lisa: Probably my cottage. It was well worth it because it's nice and quiet and peaceful.



It's hard work having five people in one band, particularly when their costumes are so important. STEPS had all manner of weird and wonderful outfits heading towards their dressing-room all morning!

LEE STEPS lived up to his reputation as the friendliest man in pop. He spent most of the morning chatting to people in the caf and said a big goodbye to everyone when it was time to go. Bless!

STEPS performed a medley of their hits which consisted of Last Thing On My Mind, Stomp and Deeper Shade Of Blue on cd:uk this morning.

Chain Reaction has slipped down to No.6 in cd:uk's Saturday chart.


Irish STEPS fans will be pleased to hear that the Gold tour will be making it's way to the Odyssey Arena in Belfast on 4th December 2001. Tickets went on sale from this morning and cost 25 each.


Checkout the new girlfriend of STEPS star LEE LATCHFORD-EVANS Asda model Gabrielle Richens.The hunk has enjoyed several dates with the TV presenter dubbed The Pleasure Machine since meeting at a showbiz bash two weeks ago.The lovebirds are also constantly on the phone when they can't be together. A STEPS source told me: "They've fallen for each other in a big way."LEE is in the middle of a heavy promotional tour for STEPS' greatest hits album Goldwhich is out tomorrow and a dead cert for the top spot.The insider added: "LEE has been working flat out and then going to see her wherever she is. But somedays it's impossible, so they're on the phone for hours. It's bit nauseating sometimes."Gabriellewho earned her racy nickname in a Virgin Atlantic adwas this week revealed as new face (and body) of clothing range George at Asda.She has been linked to BBMak star Christian Burns, soccer's Dwight Yorke and Oz rugby star Solomon Haumono who was so smitten he moved 13,000 miles to be with Gabrielle in Kent. She began modelling aged 14 and made the jump into TV while living in Australia, where she presented ratings-winner The Footie Show.Meanwhile LEE has dated Hollyoaks' Terri Dwyer, Hear'Say's Myleene and Girls@Play star Vicky Dowdall.I give 'em two weeks!
(The News Of The World)



STEPS singer LEE LATCHFORD-EVANS fancies a career in Hollywood when the band split. "I'd love to do the whole Will Smith thing and have a film career and a solo music career," says LEE. "I wanna be a male Jennifer Lopez." Better getting working on that butt then Lee. Far too small.
(The Sunday Mirror)


Three lucky STEPS Home UK visitors could win a STEPS Gold hamper consisting of a signed Gold book, Gold CD and Gold DVD or VHS.
To win just mail us the answer to this easy question:
Before CLAIRE was in STEPS she was in a girl band what was the name of the band?

Only one entry per household and remember to tell us if you want the VHS or DVD.

Winners will be notified on wednesday night. Good luck!


STEPS Gold - The Greatest Hits album, VHS and DVD are all officially released today. So make sure you get down to the shops to pick yours up!


We really wouldn't have Sir Cliff Richard down as the lechy type but after recording his new TV show he's certainly more familiar with STEPS star FAYE TOZER.
The band were on Cliff's show The Hits I Missed to sing Chain Reaction when he and FAYE enjoyed a Fred and Ginger style dance routine.
But sadly the jig was too much for the sticky tape FAYE had used to keep her breasts firmly fixed to her loose top.
As Cliff, 61 years young, spun her around, the tape came loose and her halter neck top fell down to give the bachelor boy a real eye full.
A horrified FAYE fled the set for a quick emergency repair.
What a pair of professionals.
(The Mirror)


In order to get the No.1 spot in the album charts on Sunday STEPS will have to dislodge Kylie who currently is No.1 in the album charts with 'Fever' and No.1 in the singles with 'Can't Get You Out Of My Head.' They'll also have to fight off competition from little known indie act Starsailor who are tipped to be the only major contenders in the chart race.


STEPS say they will not be jumping on the R 'n' B bandwagon.
They say moving away from their familiar pop sound would alienate their fans.
The band say trying to be "cool" on their third album Buzz proved a mistake.
STEPS' LISA SCOTT-LEE told "We're not going to alienate our fans. We won't come up with a jungle album!"
CLAIRE RICHARDS added: "We're a pop group. We know what we do best. We can't rap. We're not black. We're not R 'n' B."
H said STEPS have learnt from their past mistakes: "I think with our third album Buzz, because the whole pop sound was changing with the Backstreet Boys and Britney and NSync, our producers tried to go down that international route, which is fine, but the album didn't sell as well.
"Steptacular, our second album, is such a great pop album. When we worked on Buzz, I argued at the time why try to be cool when you're not."
Gold, STEPS' greatest hits album, is out now.
It is available for 8.99 throughAnanova's ecommerce partner CDWow.


Thanks to Gareth who says that Ceefax are reporting that STEPS will be performing their new single Words Are Not Enough on Top Of The Pops on Friday night. You can find Words Are Not Enough on STEPS' new album Gold available in shops now.

*Just a quick note if you buy Gold at Woolworths you will be given an exclusive free STEPS poster magazine.


We recieved an e-mail from a STEPS fan who purchased the Gold DVD yesterday and was dissapointed to find that although it was stated on the cover and STEPS themselves mentioned it in the intro, the bonus tracks (One For Sorrow US Mix and Too Busy Thinking Bout My Baby) where no where to be seen.
Can help this STEPS fan please mail us at

* Late update to this story: We recieved this mail so we hope it helps you all :o)
'Ooohhh its ok Ive discovered the secret!!!! You best let people know though cos it really is a secret, on some of the videos when an S pops up in the corner of the screen you have to press enter on your dvd remote and theres loads of extras!!!! there are about 5 different extra sections and theyre mint!!! You get the two vids, a bit of STEPS chat, a day with steps in japan and some outtakes and funny bits from making some of the vids.'


As you know STEPS performed a promotional gig to launch their Gold album at G-A-Y on Saturday night, if you weren't lucky enough to get tickets never fear because you can watch live footage of the show here!

Click here to watch g-a-y gig...

steps gig


You may have noticed that LEE has written his thankyou notes in a secret code on the sleeve of the Gold album. Well thanks to David who managed to crack the code we can reveal what LEE's secret message says:

"To live without confidence is to have a life half lived, yet with confidence you have won before you have started"

Hmm very poetic LEE!

The secret is each number represents the letter of the alphabet eg 20, 15 The letter 20 is at 'T' and the letter 15 is an 'O'


Here's a few news pieces from World Pop including details on the new album!:
'Chain Reaction was the highlight of the night with H and Lee donning doctors' coats and Lisa, Faye and Claire sporting nurses' uniforms to go with the hospital-themed video. Steps are just back from entertaining the troops in Oman where they performed alongside former Spice Girl Geri Halliwell, but all judged the G-A-Y gig to be one of their best shows ever. Today Steps' Lisa told us the band thought the show was one of their best yet. 'It was a great gig,' said Lisa. 'One of our best yet. We're very lucky to be releasing a greatest hits album. Every single we've released has been a hit after three and a half years whereas some pop acts aren't so lucky. 'To be honest, I'm surprised people haven't got sick of us by now!' said Claire. 'We've been full on for the past four years.' Steps appeared at the Virgin Megastore in London's Piccadilly Circus today to sign copies of their new album. The band told us they are all writing individually for the next Steps album. 'We've all been writing,' said Claire. 'We wrote tracks for the Buzz album which weren't used and there's still material from the Gold album that wasn't used. We're all gonna go off and write our own stuff and see what comes up.''We won't come up with a jungle album!' Lisa assured us. 'We're not going to alienate our fans.''We're a pop group. We know what we do best. We can't rap. We're not black. We're not R&B,' added Claire. The band added that it was only natural that bookmakers William Hill had made Steps favourites to split at 2:1 but denied it was about to happen. 'It's logical for them to think that,' said Lisa. 'All Saints split then Five split then it's us because we formed at the same time as them. But it doesn't mean we will.'


We've added a new section to the site called Chat Zone, it consists of a brand new chatroom and message board so you can chat to STEPS fans from across the globe. They're both ridiculously easy to use so there shouldn't be any problems. What are you waiting for get chatting!

Sorry to anyone who sent in letter etc for last friday's edition of Talking Point we didn't get round to doing it because of various reasons, but don't worry they will be kept and might be used in future editions of Talking Point.
This week we want you to tell us what you think of STEPS' new tracks off Gold - Baby Don't Dance, Words Are Not Enough, Only In My Dreams. Send your reviews of the tracks to us by Friday afternoon at


LISA STEPS phoned the Shout celebrity desk to deny, once and for all, the rumours that H and her enjoy behind the scenes snogging sessions...
"H loves those rumours cos he says they're good for his image but I think they're ridiculous! I can't think of anything worse for my image and I don't care if you tell H that either!"
Oooh dear poor H!
(Shout magazine)


H from STEPS has admitted that the bands gruelling work schedule has taken it's toll on him and that he almost had a nervous breakdown. In the new issue of Smash Hits H, real name Ian Watkins, goes on to say I'm not complaining because this business has fantastic rewards. But sometimes you get pissed off with waving all the time, or you think if I have to cut another bloody ribbon... But seriously there was a point when I thought I was going to have a breakdown".
(The Daily Post)


Our new Gold members only page is now open, if you are member of the Gold club then you'll be recieving your username and password by e-mail later today.


Two magazines you'll probably want to get this week are Smash Hits which comes in a gorgeous golden foil STEPS cover inside is a great interview with the band, a cool poster, and the chance to win STEPS concert tickets and signed copies of Gold!
Shout magazine also has a great interview with STEPS as the fab five look back on their fave memories of their past four years in pop!


The video for Words Are Not Enough is now showing on music channel The Box so get requesting, it's Box No. 808


H STEPS took his grandaparents around the world famous London waxworks, Madame Tussards and scared the wits out of the other guests! "I kept the other visitors on their toes," giggled H, "by hopping onto platforms and standing really still, pretending to be a waxwork of myself!" Loads of punters took photos of H as he stood still. "It was hilarious" he added!


If you missed STEPS excellent performance of One For Sorrow 2001 on Top Of The Pops last week, don't worry you can find it below. And don't forget that STEPS will be on TOTP tonight to preview their new Christmas single Words Are Not Enough.

Click here to watch One For Sorrow 2001...


Pop and classical performers are descending on Cardiff for a family show to raise money for an Aids charity.
Among the top names appearing at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium on SAturday night are chart favourites STEPS, Atomic Kitten, A1 and S Club 7.
Other big names taking to the stage for the Red Hot Aids Charitable Trust concert are Charlotte Church, Sinead O'Connor, Petula Clark and tenor Russell Watson.
Many of the acts are better associated with pop or classical music, but Showtime at the Stadium is all about musical theatre and the artists appearing will perform a song from the West End or Broadway.
STEPS are due to perform I Know Him So Well from Chess; Sinead O'Connor will take on Madonna's mantle to sing Don't Cry For Me Argentina from Evita; Atomic Kitten are going feline with Macavity from Cats and Charlotte Church is set to sing If I Loved You from Carousel.
Musical theatre old hand Ruthie Henshall, who has headlined West End shows such as Miss Saigon, Les Miserables and Cats is singing Abba's Mama Mia as well as Send In The Clowns from A Little Night Music.
And a 60-piece orchestra, a choir and a troupe of 40 show dancers will turn it into a real spectacle.
Church described the show as a unique opportunity for such different artists to come together to show off their skills and try something different.
Atomic Kitten's Natasha, Liz and Jenny have said they are looking forward to the challenge of doing something a bit different.
The man behind the event, former Ultravox front man Midge Ure, is hoping thousands of pounds will be raised for the charity which funds the work of non-governmental organisations all over the world to halt the spread of Aids.


Bryan McFadden and Kerry Katona are to be guest presenters on ITV's This Morning show.
The Westlife singer and former Atomic Kitten star could become regulars.
The couple, who had a baby girl Molly last month, will interview fellow pop stars.
Kerry told The Sun: "I am really proud to be presenting such a high-profile show."
Audience figures have dropped since Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan left in July.
Bryan and Kerry will be on This Morning on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with John Leslie and Coleen Nolan..
Among the guests lined up for them to interview are S Club 7, STEPS and Mis-Teeq.


Thanks to Thomas who sent us this info for STEPS Fans in Belgium and Holland.
The new STEPS single Summer Of Love/Here And Now is out now in Holland and will be released in Belgium soon. The tracklisting is as follows:
1. Summer Of Love
2. Here And Now (Soundtrade Mix)
3. Here And Now (Sleaze Sisters Anthem Mix)
4. Summer Of Love (WIP Mix)
The cover of the CD is the same as the UK single for Here And Now/You'll Be Sorry.

Here are some pics of STEPS signing copies of their excellent greatest hits album Gold at the Virgin Megastore in London on Monday. It was a great day and no-one could stop smiling including the ever so smiley STEPSters themselves!
(Thanks to for the pics)

ofs ofs ofs ofs


STEPS become cartoon characters in the video for new single Words Are Not Enough. The 400,000 promo, by fab company Condor, features LISA, LEE, FAYE and H battling demons to rescue CLAIRE from an evil force. Words Are Not Enough is released on 26th November.



STEPS have branded those auditioning for Pop Idol 'offensive' to proper pop stars.
'It's offensive to people in the business when rubbish people turn up for auditions and expect to be a star overnight,' CLAIRE told worldpop at a signing for the band's greatest hits album Gold, which looks likely to top the album chart. 'It's like, 'Is that what you think a pop star is?' They think they've got talent when they haven't.'
STEPS defended their former producer Pete Waterman, whose harsh criticism of the Pop Idol wannabes has been judged to be unfair by some journalists and music biz insiders. 'He's a big Northerner and a straight talker,' explained LISA. 'But then it makes a change to hear that kind of thing because there's a lot of bullshit in this industry. He's never been like that with us though,' she laughed.
LEE also voiced his concern about the format of shows like Pop Idol. 'It's just about people wanting to be famous,' he said. 'We're here cos it was our dream to be performers but these days people are just after the fame thing. They just want to be on camera for five minutes.'


Geri Halliwell and STEPS have been ordered to increase their security since entertaining British troops in Oman. The pop favourites have been told their support for the servicemen could make them an extremist target. It is not known if Geri, 28, or STEPS have received a specific terrorist threat. But Whitehall sources confirmed they had received anti-terror advice. It is part of an unprecedented tightening of security for people connected with the war on terror. Some troops on Exercise Safe Sword in Oman are set to be sent to Afghanistan. A source close to STEPS said: "We have been advised to take security more seriously since the Oman trip. But you cannot live in fearwe were proud to be asked to entertain the troops." Last night a senior Whitehall source said: "Entertainers who have such a high profile, already have extensive security arrangements. But it was felt there was no harm in reviewing them."
The stars were also given extensive security when they arrived in Oman two weeks ago. Geri and STEPS band members H, CLAIRE, FAYE, LEE and LISA were given a two hour Protection Briefing. High security will also be in place when starlets Atomic Kitten entertain the Royal Navy in the Arabian Gulf soon.
(The News Of The World)


STEPS have offered the winner of a television talent show a spot on their tour.
Airport worker Mark Kerrins has won the live final of BBC1's Star For A Night.
The 24-year-old said he was "absolutely ecstatic" to have won the contest.
The show scoured the country to find the UK's singing stars of the future and Mr Kerrins, of Wyke, Bradford, beat 12,000 hopefuls after a series of nationwide heats.
His version of the classic Lean On Me won almost 154,000 of the 800,000 votes recorded after the final, featuring 12 finalists. At one stage more than 80,000 people a minute were calling in, a BBC spokesman said.
STEPS also phoned in - to offer Kerrins a space on their upcoming tour.
And Westlife's Kian Egan, who performed on the show, disclosed he had voted for him: "I was backstage voting for Mark on my mobile phone."
Fellow Westlife member Nicky Byrne said the winner had a "powerful voice and deserved to win" and EastEnders star Barbara Windsor said "the best person won".
The final was hosted by Jane McDonald, with help from industry experts including Nigel Martin, the man who discovered Robbie Williams and Take That, and Miss Windsor.
Kerrins, who works for Servisair at Leeds Bradford airport, says he has been singing since he joined a school choir when he was five.


STEPS, Atomic Kitten, A1 and S Club 7 have performed in a family charity show.
Charlotte Church, Sinead O'Connor, Petula Clark and tenor Russell Watson also joined the event at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium.
They were raising funds for Red Hot Aids Charitable Trust and Children in Need.
S Club 7 were first on stage at the musical theatre event, Showtime at the Stadium. They performed their song Have You Ever.
But then two members from the group, Jo and Paul, launched into Bring Him Home from Les Miserables, holding hands.
Atomic Kitten performed a rendition of Macavity from Cats.
And Charlotte Church took to the stage in her home town to sing two numbers, including Don't Rain On My Parade from Funny Girl.
The show was supported by an orchestra, choir and dancing troops.
Midge Ure organised the event, designed to bring London's West End and Broadway to Cardiff.
He also took to the stage with Bermuda-born singer Heather Nova for Phantom of the Opera's signature tune.


Finally, STEPS star H has made an unusual choice of singer to impersonate for his appearance on an upcoming celebrity edition of Stars In Their Eyes. H has decided to appear as Jamiroquai's Jay Kay on the TV show. Insider hopes H and the rest of STEPS take Jay Kay's advice to heart and decide to disappear deeper underground.
(Worldpop gossip page)


STEPS Home UK would just like congratulate H, FAYE, LISA, LEE and CLAIRE on the fantastic success that their Greatest Hits album, video and DVD has achieved. The Gold album, video and DVD all topped the charts in the UK last night and thealbum is sitting pretty at the top spot in Ireland too! If you bought the album then give yourself a pat on the back because thanks to you STEPS have proved they truly are top of the pops!


STEPS beauty FAYE TOZER tells me Mark Lamarr pestered her for dates. FAYE, at No1 in the album charts with the bands new release Gold, revealed Mark even said he wanted to MARRY her. Problems started after she appeared as a guest on the comic's BBC2 show, Lamarrs Attacks, last year. The set had been turned into a cheesy romantic restaurant for her interview. FAYE, who is engaged to Danish musician Jasper Irn, said: "He would phone me all the time to go for drinks. I went a couple of times as friends but he became totally full on."
"He even told me he would get me a bigger engagement ring than the one Jasper had given me. "It drove me a bit mad but I think he is harmless and the calls have stopped now." Mark has been single since splitting with girlfriend of seven years Alison Webb two years ago.
(The Sun)



STEPS, Hear'Say, A1 and Atomic Kitten are taking part in regional concerts for this year's Children in Need.
Samantha Mumba and Louise will also perform in three special shows for the BBC fundraising event on November 16.
Gaby Roslin says the concerts will give a new look to the night.
The show's co-presenter added: "This is a fantastic leap forward for BBC Children in Need.
"Since I started presenting the show with Terry five years ago we've had some incredible performers on the show in London.
"But now BBC Children in Need supporters all over the UK will be able to join in the fun on the night and see some of Britain's biggest stars visiting their area and performing especially for them."
Hear'Say and STEPS are set to perform in Portsmouth in a concert at Castle Field, Southsea, which will be hosted by Tomorrow's World presenter Philippa Forrester.
Samantha Mumba and A1 will perform in Doncaster at the Dome leisure park, and Atomic Kitten and Louise will be in de Montfort Hall in Leicester.
The concerts will be featured in the television coverage of the night.


LISA's brothers have signed an extremely lucrative recording contract with Sony records with their band 3SL.
The boys Andy, Steve and Anthony were determined that their big sister LISA wouldn't arrange them a deal and struck out on their own to find themselves a recording contract and earlier this month their hard work paid off when Sony bosses decided to sign them
3SL will be supporting STEPS on their Gold tour later this year.


In four years, STEPS have transcended their trite beginnings (the nasty line-dance cheese of 5,6,7,8) to become the most successful British mixed group of all time. A couple of massive arena tours, a wardrobe of matching outfits, and 15 Top 5 hits later and FAYE, H, LISA, LEE and CLAIRE have become a pop institution.
STEPS may have never been cool, but they hit a major nerve with the record buying massive. Sneer all you like, but it wasn't thin air or NME covers that kept 'Tragedy' in the charts for over six months. There's also very few bands that can carry off yellow, let alone blue rubber catsuits.
The best bits are pretty much all of it, although the Abbaness of 'One For Sorrow' and 'Last Thing On My Mind', the Chic tribute of 'Stomp' and the superb 'Deeper Shade Of Blue' stick out, as well as their cover of 'Better The Devil You Know'. The Gibbs-too-far of 'Chain Reaction' was perhaps a bit obvious and overclunky, and 'The Summer Of Love' sounds a bit too much like 'Flashdance' for comfort, but minor gripes. There's also three new tracks, of which the best is the funksome 'Baby Don't Dance' and the mellow 'Words Are Not Enough'.
'Gold' is chocka full of tunes you suddenly realise - when drunk, mainly - you know like the back of your hand, and gets you throwing shapes like a goon at staff knees-ups and wedding receptions. It serves as a reminder of how great pop can be. 'Gold' is one the best Greatest Hits compilations ever. It's their 'Immaculate Collection', their 'Abba Gold', their 'Substance'. Pop rarely gets any better than this.


Woolworths are predicting that STEPS will hold onto to the No.1 spot in the album chart with Gold next week, they're also predicting that Chain Reaction will be in the Top 10 for it's fifth week!


We noticed that there's a bit of a debate going on, on the sites message board and on the Gold club's message board about whether or not STEPS performed Words Are Not Enough well on Top Of The Pops.
In our opinion it was an excellent live rendition of one of their best songs so far, but why not listen for yourself. We've added a clip of the performance to the site so that you can get the idea of the show and make up your own mind.


Click here to watch STEPS perform Words Are Not Enough - Live...


Thank-you SO much for making Gold the UK's no.1 album! You don't see that everyday and it means a great deal to us. We hope you're all enjoying the album as much as we enjoy putting it together and performing the songs. This really is the icing on the cake.
Thank-you to everyone that has helped and supported us so far along the way - see you in Nov and Dec on the tour!
Lee, Lisa, H, Claire + Faye (a.k.a. - STEPS!)


This Friday's Talking Point will be a special about STEPS new video for their latest single Words Are Not Enough.
It's a very different video and features STEPS as computer generised action heroes, whatever your view on the vid good or bad we want to know so send your view to


Taken from Pink Ribbon magazine:

'While they're talking about their children, it is with perfect timing that pop-band Steps arrive. My niece, Jade, who is on the shoot with us, squeals with disbelief and delight when Faye, Lisa and Claire walk in and runs straight into a group hug - to which they happily oblige. "Crikey, she's a live one isn't she," laughs Faye, being dragged into the dressing room by a six-year-old.
Claire, who recently found a lump - which, thankfully turned out to be benign - is in great spirits and skips across the room to me. "I'm so relieved I'm okay," she says. "But I have to say, it was one of the scariest moments of my life."
"When something like this does happen to someone you love," adds Lisa. "It really makes you realise important an issue it is. And, with most of our fan base being young kids and teenagers, we really believe that breast cancer awareness is something that should be taught to girls at school, the same as sex education."
Faye agrees: "Touching and checking your boobs are just as embarrassing as periods and sex, but if you're made aware and told it's okay, from a young age, it becomes a normal part of your life."
When Jodie Kidd strides up to us to join in, Claire can't help herself and says, with a cheeky smile: "Oh great - I've been feeling quite good about myself - y'know, going to the gym and eating sensibly - and then you turn up."
Jodie clicks with them immediately and teases back: "Hey, I have s**t days too - all the time infact, but then I just wear a big floppy hat and massive classes." We all groan in mock sympathy.'

Why did you decide to do Pink Ribbon?
Lisa: All of our mothers have had scares, so we know what it's like when a family member goes through something so terrifying. And then Claire had a scare - when it touches your life so directly, you feel compelled to do something, whatever you can, to make others aware.
Who inspires you?
Faye, Lisa, and Claire: Our inspirational woman would have to be Madonna, for all of us, because we're all of similar ages. She does everything: acting, dancing, singing, writing - she's so talented and intelligent in the way she has managed to sustain her career and consistently reinvent herself.
What's your motto in life?
Faye: Try everything, regret nothing.
Lisa: Be yourself and be positive.
Claire: Don't be afraid.

Pink Ribbon is available in shops now 3.50 you can also purshase a pink ribbon brooch for 1 all proceeds go to Breast Cancer charities. If you would like to learn more about breast cancer or help the charity raise money visit


STEPS star H has an embarrassing secret - he often forgets the words to his own songs.
H, whose real name is Ian Watkins, struggles to recall the lyrics to the group's hits.
So in abid to avert a potential disaster, H has hit upon a crafty way to remember the words to such tracks as Tragedy and 5,6,7,8.
He said: "I'm clever. i actually write things on my hands and I kinda make a gesture with my hands in front of my face and I read them."
But the news will surprise most STEPS fans, as their lyrics are not noted for their complexity.
The chorus for Stomp is: "Everybody clap your hands, Get up and dance, We're gonna stomp all ngith now, Everybody move your feet, Get up and feel the beat, We're gonna stomp all night now."
(The Daily Record)


STEPS are the most successful boy and girl band since Abba.
Lisa, Claire, Faye, Lee and H have sold 12 million records worldwide and have had 13 consecutive top five hits an achievement bettered only by The Beatles.
Their bubblegum pop image has led many to think the band lead squeaky-clean lifestyles.
But, as they celebrate hitting No1 with their greatest hits album Gold, the band lift the lid on their private lives.
On Day One in our exclusive series we talk to Claire and Lee.
With her angelic smile Claire Richards looks the sort of girl who couldnt possibly hurt anyone.
But the 24-year-old beauty today admits she was the other woman who broke up a family. Claire stole a Steps record company boss from his fiance and their baby.
Her lover Reece Hill, 32, was forced to leave his job because of their relationship.
Opening her heart for the first time about the affair, Claire admits: I was a home-wrecker, a marriage-wrecker or whatever you call it. I was dating someone who had a partner and they had a child.
He had lived with this woman for quite a long time. I am not proud of some of the things I did. I was seeing him behind his girlfriends back and lying to my parents.
There was a lot of heartache for a lot of people and a lot of pain.
We were together just under a year. My only excuse is that I was 22 and I loved him an awful lot. He was my first boyfriend and he was a lot older than me.
Because we werent supposed to be together it gave it that extra bit of edge made it more exciting.
Then things started getting difficult. He split up with her and it wasnt very nice.
Reece was my first love and it was really hard for me. I ended the relationship because it had become too messy.
As she lies on a bed in her London hotel suite, Claire reveals she has a new boyfriend Mark Webb, who danced on a Steps tour.
Claire says: Me and Mark get on so well. We are like best friends.
We have moved in together but we are not engaged. We were friends for ages and now there are different feelings.
Neither of them bother about Steps being Marks boss.
Claire says: We do pay his wages but were all friends. He doesnt feel like Im his boss.
Sometimes I wind him up and he gets a bit upset and I have to say I was only joking.
She believes the kind of love she has with Mark is one that could last and adds: He is such a nice bloke. We live together and have a dog, so there is a little bit of commitment.
You always get that flicker, Is he the one? I hope he is because I cant imagine life without him.
Claire, born in Hillingdon, Middlesex, was close to giving up attempts to be a star before she spotted an audition for Steps in The Stage newspaper.
She had already been in one girlband TSD. But their two singles only got to No68 and No64 and when the Spice Girls came along they were dropped.
That disappointment helps her appreciate the success she has achieved. But Claire says none of them are millionaires.
She adds: I think it is crap when people from other bands say they are millionaires.
I dont know where the money goes but we have got a good record deal.
I am not mega-rich and I could not retire tomorrow. Were not complaining though.
Ive got my own house and a Mercedes SLK. Im not doing too bad for a 24-year-old.



As the Steps heart-throb, Lee Latchford Evans has dated a bevy of beauties but he is not happy.
Lee says often he thinks he would be luckier working nine-to-five in an office.
Lee has been out with actress Terri Dwyer, who plays Ruth in Hollyoaks, model Emma B and Vicky Dawdall from girlband girls@play, yet he admits he didnt want to be a pop star and does not like Steps songs.
The 27-year-old dreamed of becoming an actor and confesses: I dont know why Im here. I never had a favourite band or went to any concerts.
This is a job. It always was a job. And in all honesty I would not wish it on anybody. Your life is taken away from you.
People see the limousines, the glamour and the premieres. They dont see the hours and hours of work and the no sleep and all the stress. You are so unprepared for it.
People say to me, You must love what you do, you get so much money, you have so many girls around you, and I say change with me for six months and well see what you have to say.
Ill do your nine-to-five and you do my 18-hour-a-day job. See how you like it not just the job but the fame and pressure. See how you deal with losing your life.
Dont get me wrong, it has got huge rewards. The money is good. You meet a lot of great people. But if it ended tomorrow we would still have to work.
And it is frightening being famous. When you walk down the street and people recognise you, they know everything about you and you know nothing about them.
I used to be a very confident person when I was out. I used to walk head high, chest out, proud of what I was doing. Now I have a cap on and look at the floor all the time.
And on the bands chart-topping music he says: I have never been a big pop fan, I like rock.
I think our songs like Its The Way You Make Me Feel are great but there are songs I really groan about.
Lee, from Cheshire, ended up in Steps because he was having trouble finding work as an actor. When Steps were offered a one-single contract he thought there would be no harm in taking it up.
Then there was an 18-month wait for any money to come in when Lee was left homeless.
Despite not liking their music, he says: We are the biggest band the UK has got. We are second only to The Beatles for consecutive top five hits we have sold more concert tickets, we have had the biggest arena tour ... blah, blah, blah.
Im amazed it ever took off we all are. But the people that deserve the pat on the back are ourselves and we dont get it that often.
It took four-and-a-half years for the money to be there.
We were living on 50 a week for the first 18 months.
You have to work hard for what you get. We have had bottles thrown in our faces, we have been booed off stage.
We were never given anything on a plate and you respect what you get because of that.

Tomorrow:Why Faye is an embarrassment to her fiance!
(The Sun)



FAYE TOZER is a hugely successful member of one of Britains top pop bands but she is still an embarrassment for her Danish fianc Jasper Irn. For while SHE has found fame at the lightweight end of the music industry, HE makes a living as drummer with heavy rock outfit One. She says: He is really rock and roll so his profile goes down when we step out. He is massive in Denmark and his band is heavy rock stuff. Whenever I go to his gigs I can see people staring and pointing at me, thinking, What is she doing here? It cant be easy for him going out with me. Its embarrassing but I love playing the rock chick when I am with him.We are always out partying until the early hours. If you look closely at me on telly on Saturday morning kids shows it is quite easy to tell that I have only had two hours sleep. Faye, 26, met Jasper in a pub and is set to marry him next August after dating him for almost six years. She reveals she only ever expected Steps to release one song and she even had reservations about that. The Northampton-born beauty says: I was working at the Hilton Hotel in cabaret and started doing a lot of auditions. The day of the Steps audition I was feeling really poorly. Jasper kicked me out of bed and drove me to the station. It was just another audition and I think I got in because I was so laid back about it. When I got down to the last few people I started thinking, Do I really want this? I mean, it was line dancing! Then I thought, Why not, its only for a single deal, then it will be forgotten. Four years later ... Faye adds: Even though I like Steps as a job I am not into pop music. I dont go out and buy it. And Steps is good bubblegum pop but its nothing more than that its not musical genius. Faye is often said to be the one most likely to leave Steps and has already written a wealth of material for a future solo career. She will not rule out breaking up the band and admits she looks forward to the day when the group can finally drop its smiley-happy image. She says: Its difficult to smile constantly our grins are permanently fixed. I love to be moody sometimes just to sit there and be moody all day. As soon as my door is shut then I am just myself. I am very different to the person people think I am and one day people might just find that out.



MOST 25-year-olds would rather run off a cliff than wear a brace on their teeth let alone a full metal train-track.
But Lisa Scott Lee says she LOVED her brace and wouldnt be bothered if she had to wear it again.
The star decided drastic action was needed after she grew increasingly paranoid about a dodgy front tooth.
So she made an appointment with a dentist and the next day she was fitted with her permanent metal brace which she was stuck with for a year.
Showing off her new beautiful smile Lisa, now 26, said: The brace was really good for me and I would gladly do it again tomorrow.
I had one tooth that was wonky.
That tooth was bugging me and I was very conscious of it.
I covered my mouth when I was talking and laughing. I hated the fact that it was overlapping. I would watch our videos and be horrified.
Our smile is our work and whether people want to call me vain or whatever I wanted it done.
One day it just hit me. I went to see a consultant and the next day he fitted me with a brace.
That same day I rang my manager and announced, Ive something to tell you.
He must have thought I was pregnant or something but then I told him I had a brace and I was going to have it for the next year. The band were great about it and even H stopped calling me Metal Mickey after a while!
"When we went to America bouncers would not let me into a club because they thought I looked too young which I loved.
The best thing is that I encouraged a lot of young people with braces. I got loads of letters.
Lisa, from St Asaph, Denbighshire, North Wales, who started her showbiz life in a cabaret act , admits she joined Steps for fame and fortune.
She says she likes only some Steps songs but she believes the band has an important role in British pop music and hates it that they are not taken seriously.
They have been criticised by several rock musicians and are practically banned by most radio station playlists.
She said: I think we are all actors in the same play.
Music is the play. We have got jungle, R&B, rock, different things.
Pop is popular music it will always be around and it is mainstream so people should just accept it.
And using language not familiar with most Steps fans she added: It p----- me off that none of the mainstream radio stations will play us.
We are a bloody succesful British band but they would rather play American music because it is cool.
The fact that we are so succesful without radio play shows just how popular we are."


AS all good Steps fans know, Ian Watkinss stage name H stands for hyperactive a reflection of his energy-packed personality.
But when I ask him the question that has been going round the music industry for years, he is unusually quiet.
While all three girls in the band have boyfriends and Lee has had a string of flings, H has never been reported as dating anyone. Why?
Shifting uneasily H says: I know there is a lot of speculation about my sexuality but people can think what they want. It is my business."
A former Butlins redcoat from Rhondda, South Wales, H sees Steps as an extension of his holiday camp days.
He says: We are like all-singing, all-dancing Butlins entertainers.
But now it is in front of a lot more people. I love it and I think most of our music is great.
Even so, he has been the first group member to make firm plans for a new job, securing the lead role in planned new West End musical Godspell.
However last week he was forced to turn the job down. He says: I thought there would be a gap in our schedule which would allow me to do it.
Id dreamed of appearing in the West End and was really upset to have to turn it down.
I wont be the first to leave Steps but I am hoping to line up something else next year. We all know this band wont last forever and I really want to fulfil my dream.
(The Sun)



Tickets have gone on sale for the extra dates on STEPS' Gold tour. They include a matinee at Sheffield Arena on November 25. There is also an extra evening show at Glasgow SECC on November 30. The Gold tour kicks off at Sheffield on November 24. Tickets for the tour are on sale through Ananova's ecommerce partner Way Ahead.


We've been updating a few bits and pieces today firstly the Gold Club members have some exclusive new wallpapers available in their area of the site. We've updated the discography page with details of Gold and the Talking Point page has been changed so have a look at that to see if your letter is up there.
We'll aolso have some exclusive FHM wallpapers later on as well as all the pics from the girls shoot so check back for those.


LISA, FAYE and CLAIRE have peeled off to do their sauciest photo shoot ever in this months new issue of FHM! The girls who reveal more than ever say they dared each other to strip off as much as possible after getting tipsy on champagne at the shoot. There's a 7 page special with them talking about everying from Faye swearing in front of an arena full of fans to Lisa and Faye throwing a party for Claire when she lost her virginity. It's certainly racy stuff and you can read it all now by buying FHM which is priced at 3.00 in all newsagents, alternatively you can watch the girls in action at



Check out todays edition of The Mirror because they have got great taste when it comes to cover girls! CLAIRE is pictured on her first ever newspaper front page dressed in a black bra, skirt slashed to the thigh, stockings and suspenders and whielding a whip! The photo comes from the girls new shoot with mens mag FHM and it certainly puts the bands squeeky clean image in doubt! To see al the pics from the new FHM click on the appropriate link on the front page of the site.



Thanks to Gareth for telling us that during the interval at Showtime At The Stadium, H revealed that STEPS' christmas single will be a doube A side of Words Are Not Enough and I Know Him So Well. This will explain why I Know Him So Well was included in the Gold - Our Greatest Hits book.
Don't forget to keep requesting the video to Words Are Not Enough and we'll bring you details on the I Know Him So Well video as soon as we get them!


As you know the Smash Hits poll winners party will be takling place at the end of the year and it's one of the bigest events on the pop calendar! Make sure that STEPS come away with all the awards they deserve by voting as many times as you can for them! There was a special form in this weeks special STEPS edition of Smash Hits - which you should ALL have - so there's no excuse for not helping the fab five by filling it in and sending it back! You can also vote for them online by clicking the button on the bottom of the news page.
This how voting is going so far...

Best Band
1. Westlife
2. Steps
3. a1
4. Blue
5. Atomic Kitten

Best Live Act
1. Steps
2. Eminem
3. Westlife
4. The Stereophonics
5. S Club 7

Best Single
1. Blue - All Rise
2. S Club 7 - Don't Stop Movin'
3. Atomic Kitten - Whole Again
4. Steps - The Way You Make Me Feel
5. Westlife - Uptown Girl

Best Video
1. Westlife - Uptown Girl
2. a1 - No More
3. 'N Sync - Pop
4. Five - Let's Dance
5. Blue - Too Close
6. Steps - Chain Reaction

Best Album
STEPS haven't even been nominated in this so far so what are you waiting for get voting for Gold now!!!

Sexiest Female
1. Britney Spears
2. Kylie
3. Samantha Mumba
4. Beyonc
5. Lisa Steps

Best Male Haircut
1. Kian Westlife
2. Jakob O-Town
3. H Steps
4. Fran Travis
5. Craig David

Best Female Haircut
1. Britney Spears
2. Louise
3. Kylie
4. Faye Steps
5. J-Lo


STEPS will be starring in a series of festive adverts for highstreet sore Woolworths over christmas. Woolworths have chosen STEPS to be their new ambassadors as they feel that the family appeal that STEPS have represents the range of merchandising that they have in their stores and covers all ages from the kids to the grandparents.
The ads which were shot in August will be hitting our screens soon so keep your eyes peeled for them!


Bravenet who host a few of the features on this site including the message boards and the Gold members club will be down to do maintenece over the weekend so you may not be able to access these things, however they should all be back up by Sunday night to Monday morning.


STEPS Greatest Hits album Gold is No.1 for the second week in the UK album charts! Chain Reaction has slipped down 4 places to No.14 after a month in the Top 10!


Jamie Theakston should steer clear of FAYE TOZER from STEPS if he knows what's good for him. FAYE says she would like to punch Theako because he is "so two-faced". "He's always slagging us off, yet he'll always wander over and expect us to be nice," FAYE rages. "Makes me furious." Well, I've always found him divine.
(The Sunday Mirror)


We've added a new page to the site (which can be accessed by clicking the link on the front page) on this page is a series of polls such as Fave STEPS video of 2001 and Sexiest STEPS girl of 2001 for you to vote in. Voting starts today and ends on 1st December 2001. The winners will be all announced on the site after voting ends.


The message boards, chatrooms and Gold club are all back online now as Bravenet have finished their upgrades.


In a suspension of pop hostilities, Geri Halliwell and chart-busters STEPS joined forces to entertain our brave troops waiting for action in Oman.
It was all smiles for the camera and platitudes galore from the spin-doctors.
But what really happened in the Gulf can now be revealed - by 3am, naturally. And it's not a pretty story.
Fuming kids' band STEPS have launched an extraordinary attack on Geri. The squeaky-clean group expected the ex-Spice Girl to enter into the spirit of their "tonic for the troops" trip. But they ended up appalled by her prima-donna antics.
STEPS' H - real name IAN WATKINS - stormed: "The soldiers out there are living in difficult conditions and I thought we owed them a bit more than acting like stupid, over-demanding pop stars. In my view, Geri Halliwell was out of order.
"I want you to put this in The Mirror because people should know the truth about her."
Even as she arrived in Oman, The Mirror revealed how she issued a long list of outlandish demands, including an air-conditioned tent and a computer with full internet access.
She even demanded she stay in a different wing of the Hilton Salalah hotel so she didn't have to bump into STEPS.
"Geri insisted on being treated differently from us," says H. "She wanted to be on a much more elevated level. Her behaviour was uncalled for.
More than 7,000 British personnel endured an eight-hour journey through the desert to watch the live pop show.
STEPS also laid into Geri, 28, for frolicking on a beach while they were busy trying to boost the soldiers' morale.
STEPS beauty CLAIRE RICHARDS, 24, says: "She was lying on a beach being photographed in her bikini while we were in Chinooks meeting the most amazing military people. But then again, Geri is good at that sort of thing."
(The Mirror)


STEPS have launched an attack on Geri Halliwell.
The band say she acted like a prima donna during their trip to Oman to entertain British troops.
H says Geri acted like an over-demanding pop star.
"In my view, Geri Halliwell was out of order. Geri insisted on being treated differently from us," he tells The Mirror.
"She wanted to be on a much more elevated level. Her behaviour was uncalled for."


STEPS have launched a scathing attack on Geri Halliwell following a performance with the singer for British troops in Oman.
The pop group were said to be appalled at the former Spice Girl's behaviour during the morale-boosting trip and have branded her, "a prima donna".
According to reports, whilst troops spent hours crossing the desert to watch the live performances, Halliwell was busy making a list of demands, including an air-conditioned tent and full internet access throughout her stay.
H from STEPS told a UK tabloid: "The soldiers out there are living in difficult conditions and I thought we owed them a bit more than acting like stupid, over-demanding pop stars. In my view, Geri Halliwell was out of order."
"Geri insisted on being treated differently from us," he continued. "She wanted to be on a much more elevated level. Her behaviour was uncalled for.
STEPS singer, CLAIRE RICHARDS, also suggested that Geri spent too much time posing instead of joining in with the spirit of the trip: "She was lying on a beach being photographed in her bikini while we were in Chinooks meeting the most amazing military people. But then again, Geri is good at that sort of thing."
Steps' latest release, 'Gold - The Greatest Hits' is currently holding the top spot in the UK album charts.
Meanwhile, Geri camped it up during a performance at London's G.A.Y nightclub this weekend.
The singer performed a number of Spice Girls' tracks and delighted the crowd when she was joined on stage by five drag queens baring an uncanny resemblance to Ginger's former chart-topping band.


Despite STEPS war of words with her Geri has told World Pop that she will entertain the troops again...
Geri Halliwell has told worldpop that entertaining the troops again would be a 'privilege'.
'For me personally going to Oman was one of those moments I'll never forget,' the former Spice Girl revealed, speaking for the first time about her recent concert in the Gulf state. 'It's up there with meeting Mandela. Every button as a human being was pushed, all my senses were heightened. If I was asked to do it again I think it would be a privilege. I felt very blessed to be able to give service in some sort of way.'
In the exclusive interview for worldpop G-A-Y with microsite, with G-A-Y promoter Jeremy Joseph, Geri said, 'It made war very real for me. When I watch TV I feel very disconnected from what I see but going to Oman made all those soldiers very real rather than just cartoon characters.'
'These were young boys possibly just about to be part of the ground force,' she added. 'It made me really grateful that they're prepared to give their lives for us. The soldiers also work at a humanitarian level looking after people,' Geri continued. 'That for me as a civilian generally goes unnoticed.' The star even paid tribute to comedian Bobby Davro who performed alongside her. 'Even Bobby Davro was fantastic. It's amazing what happens at times of pressure,' she said.
Geri's Oman concert included Spice Girls track Who Do You Think You Are? which she played for the first time since leaving the band. 'I helped write those songs so I fell that they're mine as much as anybody else's,' she explained. 'I know I left the band but I feel that those songs belong to the whole world.' Geri is expected to perform Who Do You Think You Are? and Wannabe at her G-A-Y show this Saturday night.
Geri revealed to Jeremy that she is currently happy in her life but wishes the world could be at peace. The full interview will be on worldpop/g-a-y next week.


STEPS singer FAYE TOZER and her fiance Jasper Irn are set to make their already spacious home even bigger. FAYE who currently resides in Moss Lane, Pinner has decided that her huge home, which includes a recording studio, just isn't big enough and is getting the builders in to extend the property to include a games room and an extra bedroom, however FAYE's plans haven't gone down too well with her neighbours. Members of the Pinner Association has voiced their concerns. Their president, David Rowlands, says 'The plans look reasonable and for any normal person would be fine, but popstars and kids tend to be a bit noisy, people in that sort of career have a different time table to the rest of us they get up late and go to bed late'.
A spokesman for the local council said that the palns would be decided by the local council planning officers.
A spokesman for MS TOZER said that they could not comment on plans. 'It's not something that I'd know about, but she's a very nice person and doesn't like to cause trouble' he said.


LEE has posed nude for gay mag Attitude and you can see the pics by clicking the link on the front page. Please be warned these photos are very revealing so don't view them if you are easily offended!


Regional news programme North West Tonight are currently running a very exciting STEPS competition! You could win the chance to meet H, LISA, FAYE, CLAIRE and LEE backstage at the Manchester Evening News Arena, but not only that you could win the chance to record a Christmas carol duet with FAYE!
Yes one lucky winner will be joining the gorgeous FAYE in the recording studios alongside the BBC Philamonic orchestra to record a very special Christmas duet which will be aired live on TV!
4 finalists will be chosen from all the enteries and FAYE will be on the judges panel!
All you have to do to eneter is send a tape of yourself singing, perhaps choosing a Christmassy type song, along with a letter telling them a bit about yourself to:

Christmas With Faye
North West Tonight,
PO Box 27,
Oxford Road,
M60 1SJ

The rules of the competition mean that you can only enter if you are aged between 7 and 11 years old and you MUST live in the North West of England.

The closing date for all enteries is 16th November 2001.


Meanwhile, its make-or-break time for the King Of Pop following the release of his muchhyped album Invincible yesterday. Sources at Woolworths say Gold The Greatest Hits by STEPS is outselling him and he is unlikely to reach No1.
(The Sun)


Just a quick update to let you know about a future TV show.
Last Thursday H took part in the comedy quiz show Blankety Blank. He'll be appearing in two epiodes which will be shown in the next couple of months. More info soon!


Despite reports in The Sun yesterday that STEPS were outselling Michaal Jackson's comeback album , Invincible, it seems that he is going to knock the fab five off the top spot on Sunday.
Jackson's album has recieved extremely poor reviews and his first single from the album , You Rock My World, failed to get to No.1 when it was released a few weeks ago, it was thought that his popularity was on the decline, but obviously sales for the album have gone better than expected. So if you haven't got hold of a copy of STEPS' excellent album Gold yet make sure you buyt it this week or go and get it for christmas presents for all your friends and family and keep STEPS at No.1 where they belong!


Thanks to Nick who sent us the possible tracklisting for STEPS' new single Words Are Not Enough. The tracklisting is great and the single will be released on 2 CDs which is always a plus, but there is no sign of the double A side of I Know Hom So Well that H told us would be released when he and the rest of the band performed it at the Millenium Stadium in Cardiff. We'll look into it further over the next few weeks...

Words Are Not Enough (Single Edit)
R Dancing (vocal mix)
Words Are Not Enough (Sleaze Sisters Anthem mix)
Words Are Not Enough video/enhanced section

Words Are Not Enough (Album version)
Never Get Over You (WIP wedding day mix)
Words Are Not Enough (WIP extended mix)


Thanks to our Italian reporter Simone who tells us that Gold is available in Virgin stores over in Italy, but that Here And Now and Chain Reaction are not available over there and definately haven't been played on radio or charted over there despite some reports to the contary.

Thanks to Katie Copeland for the Gold Book signing pics. You'll be able to view them by clicking the link on the front page.


For this weeks Talking Point we want to know your opinions on STEPS' saucy photo shoots. This week alone we've had FAYE, LISA and CLAIRE taking part in their sexiest shoot yet with FHM and Lee stripping off for Attitude (click on appropiate links on front page to view pics)So what do you think..Do you think they're harmeless fun and just a bit of a giggle? or do you think it's wrong for STEPS to pose for this type pf photo shoot? Whatever your opinion we want your view so mail us now on
All letters must be in by tomorrow night.