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Apr 2002


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Monday 1st April
Stepping Carefully
I suspect Faye Tozer has developed a phobia of bees. The ex-Steps star was doing a fashion shoot when a bad-tempered queen bee flew up her trouser leg. The poor girl ended up with two stings on her shin.
Claire's Man As You've Never Seen Him Before
Claire's Boyfriend Mark was on stage with Atomic Kitten at G.A.Y on Saturday night and we've got an exclusive photo of him as you've never seen him before... (He's the one in the centre with Kitten Natasha Hamilton)
Lee and Lisa To Form Duo
STEPS stars Lisa Scott-Lee and Lee Latchford-Evans are to follow in the footsteps of their ex bandmates H & Claire and form a duo!
Lee told us he's very excited and reckons that they'll knock the spots of anything that H & Claire can do! Although there have already been problems...'We can't decide on a name' he laughs, we're thinking of Lee & Lisa, but Lisa & Lee also has a bit of a ring to it.' Lisa tells us that their first single called 'PJ' is a tribute to their close celebrity friend Ant (of Ant and Dec Fame) 'Lee and I loved Ant and Dec when they where in Byker Grove, so it just felt natural to dedicate our first single to Ant's character 'PJ' We did have a few arguments about which one them to dedicate it to though as Lee's fave was Duncan (Dec) and my fave was 'PJ' in the end I had to remind Lee that Duncan did actually blind 'PJ', accidently of course, but I think that he doesn't really deserve a tribute track...incidently isn't it great how he managed on Pop Idol with no assistance - I was so proud of him.'
Lisa & Lee's debut single - 'PJ' will be out on April Fools Day (Today!)
Tuesday 2nd April
Step Up In Style

Suave ... new look
Here is the super-suave new look being adopted by ex-Steps singers IAN H WATKINS and CLAIRE RICHARDS as they release their first single since the band split at Christmas. 
Gone are the garish Butlins-style Steps outfits in favour of a top-of-the-range designer look for the video to go with DJ, out on May 6.

So naff ... their old Steps look

The promo sees H in a stylish open-neck shirt and blazer while Claire wears a flowery top, and both sport Gucci sun specs.

An insider said: "We were desperate to get away from Steps cheesy image. This is the real Claire and H." (The Sun)

Singles Promotion
Now the Easter holidays are over we should see a lot of promotion for the new singles starting. H and Claire promo for 'DJ' is already being shown on most channels now, but there's still no sign of Faye's video for 'Someone Like You'
I'd imagine H and Claire will start promotion very soon as they start work on SM:tv on Saturday 13th April. Faye starts a UK tour with Russell Watson tomorrow, but I haven't heard of any promotion plans she has, so I'm hoping she's not just going to leave it up to Russell's fans who attend his concerts to buy the record.
Steppy Stuff
There's a few new bits up on the site so make sure you keep checking the what's new page!
Yesterdays story about Lisa and Lee forming a duo to record a new single called 'PJ' as a tribute to Ant and Dec was of course our April Fools Day Joke!
Wednesday 3rd April
Exclusive CD Cover Of 'Someone Like You'
We recieved our promo copy of Faye's excellent new single, 'Someone Like You' this morning and here's an exclusive look at the CD cover featuring Faye and duet partner Russell Watson....
Faye's Show To Be Televised
F.A. Cup Classic is a spectacular musical event in Cardiff, celebrating the spirit of football, on the eve of The F.A. Cup Final in May. The F.A. Cup Classic concert, sponsored by AXA, brings together stars from classical and pop music and will be broadcast later that evening on BBC One. Already confirmed to appear are Lesley Garrett, Russell Watson, Faye Tozer, Willard White, bond and a1.   Concert Broadcast: Friday 3rd May 2002
10.35pm on BBC1 
Chat To Lisa & 3SL
Lisa and her brothers, 3SL, will be answering your questions in an official webchat. The webchat will take place in conjunction with Channel 4 at 2:30 PM on Sunday 7th April visit the link below for more info...
Thursday 4th April
See Faye & Lisa For Free!
We got a message from Thames TV asking us to pass on these details of an exciting chance to see Lisa and Faye live and for free!
3SL and Lisa Scott Lee will be appearing and performing LIVE on Channel 5's Open House on Thursday 11th April at 7-9pm in Central London AND Faye Tozer and Russell Watson will be teaming up on Open house to perform LIVE on Wednesday 1st May at 7-9pm in Central London! For FREE tickets to this event then please call Gabby on 020 7691 6477 or email Please note these tickets are only available to over 16's
Review of Faye & Russell Live In Cardiff
As you know Russell Watson kicked off his UK arena tour with special guest Faye Tozer in Cardiff last night and one visitor of Solo:STEPS, Jenni Hopkins,  says it's an experience she'll always remember...
OMG WOW!!!!! i cannot believe what happened yesterday!!!!! JUST OMG! the best day of my life just happened and my life cannot go bk 2 being normal now!! NO WAY! ok, of course im guna tell u all about it!
we got to cardiff at 11.35 (approx.) and went straight 2 cardiff arena (the back entrance) the place was dead and i asked a security guard what time faye was getting there. he told us about 4-5pm. so we decided 2 go steps shopping!!!!!
i bought a lee fashion doll, an h fashion doll, steps gold songbook and smash hits with a faye tozer article in (which is v funny!) There isn't a lot around nemore which is a shame :( we looked everywhere for a sun visor liek the one faye wears on the Gold Tour but not one single shop sold them :(
we went bk to the arena about 3pm, to find that it was a bit busier and there was another girl waiting 4 faye. we set up camp on the street and sang our hearts out 2 faye songs. we saw russell twice but didnt even wave or nething at him because 1) i wasnt entirely sure it was him and 2) we were there 2 c faye!!!!
at about 4.57pm (v approx) 2 black ppl carriers drove down the road. my stomach turned and i was like "its gotta b faye!" but as they drove past with blacked out windows they looked empty. however, we carried on singing "Someone Like You" at the tops of our voices and next thing we know faye is climbing out the car and running over 2 c us!!!!!!!!!!
i cldnt believe it was her and i just gave her the biggest hug of my life and started crying ON HER SHOULDER! she smelt really nice and me, lizzi and cath (my friends I went with) did have her smell on us somewhere, but i think its gone off my top now cos mum washed it I LOST FAYE's SMELL!!!! LOL
she signed an autograph for me and asked me my name and she spent AGES lookin at this little book i made with her pictures on the front. i gave her a card from all three of us and a letter from me and she sed thank-you. then wen i had my picture taken i was still crying and she sed to me "aw look we can do this!" and she put her arm round me and we had our piccie taken!!!! i took another piccie and then she had 2 rush off 2 sound check. we wish she cldve stayed longer but she was l8 as it was!!!!
bless her heart tho!! she didnt think ne1 wld be there 4 her and we were i think we made her day!!!!!
we carried on waiting and met russell watson (as well as sum other lovely ppl!!! and a violin player, who was so sweet!!!!!) RUSSELL WATSON IS SOOO F I T!!!! hes well sexy!!! and SO lovely! he knew we were there 4 faye but he still chatted 2 us & evrything!!!! bless him!
well, we carried on waiting and faye didnt cum bk out (altho the securuity men brought us sandwiches and cans of coke bless them as well!!) but we HAD 2 go 2 the loo, so we nipped over 2 the hotel across the road and used their loo!!!! when we came bk we were chattin 2 the security guy and he got a voice on his walkie talkie sayin that if the fans outside r still there russell wants them to have ne empty seats (or summin like that) RUSSELL WANTED US IN HIS CONCERT! he invited us in FREE and we got 2nd row seats FREE!!!!! plus they took us backstage, rite thru backstage (we saw signs to dressing rooms n evrything) and showed us 2 our seats. i felt well important!!
he has the most lovliest voice!! really he does, i no y they call him The Voice!!!!! hes amazing!! and the whole show was deffo worth seeing!!! He sang a variety of songs from his album, most were in Italian or Latin, and between sets they played videos on the big screens of different times in his life. He even sang one song dedicated to his kids and had pictures of his children on the big screeen. BLESS! and Faye Tozer, well, what can i say. i was speechless. just b4 they came on they played a video of her and russell on the QE2 and i was in tears. i cld c faye popping her head around the side curtain and im SURE she was looking at me (im crying thinking about it!!) she kept lookin ova my way and i was pointing at the screen and covering my mouth cos there were loadsa respected ppl there!! LOL! it wasnt like a steps concert where evry1 sings and dances te he!!!!
then she came on stage and i cried even more!!! she was wearing THE most gorgeous purple dress and high heels and her hair looked different 2 what it had that morning. she'd curled it!!! but not overly curly. she just looked perfect!!! russell asked her if she wanted to sing and then sed "or do u want a pint?" she said "Pint" then the music started and she was like "oh, we'll sing then". she sang SO amazingly! we were all crying thruout the WHOLE thing!!!!! i was hystericall;y crying! then after the song (in which faye was flirting outrageously with russell and there was lots of whispering goin on) russell left the stage and faye was saying how it was good 2 b bk in cardiff and she didnt think shed b bk so soon! and how russell had believed in her. prompting her 2 sing "If You Believe!" can u believe she sang this!!!! i cried even more then LOL!
when she'd finished she went off stage, but got called bk on to recieve her bunch of flowers from russell thanking her for singing with him! she took them, bowed and left. we knew we had 2 leave soon or we'd miss our train, so after russell's next song we legged it out the arena and around the bk where we'd been standing b4. as soon as i went round the corner i could see the barrier coming up and then a blacked out windowed ppl carrier drove out. i was just standing there wondering if it was faye's because i cldnt see in, when suddenly a door was flung open and i saw faye sitting there, still in her stage gear!!!!!!!!!! She'd opened the door and was REALLY excited to see we were still there!!!!
i ran straight to her and gave her the BIGGEST hug again and she kissed me and said thank u 4 cuming and i told her well done and it was a gr8 show! she then thrust her bunch of flowers at me and said "have my flowers" and i said "are you sure" and she was like "yes!" lizzi and cath got a hug and a kiss and i told her how much i loved her (and cried all ova again te he!) then she hugged me again and said she had to go. she waved, closed the door and drove off. evcen tho i cldnt c her i waved at her as she drove all the way down the road and im sure she was waving bk even tho i cldnt c her!!!!!
she gave me her flowers! we were invited into russell watsons concert as special guests and i got 2 go backstage at cardiff arena!!! i met faye twice and both times she was the most lovliest lady that i have EVER met!!! i thought it was a dream, but i woke up this morning and the flowers were still there, so were the autographs and the programme and evrything!!! wot a day!!! the best day of my life!!!!!!
PS. we also saw charlotte church goin into the arena 4 the show! she was having a go at her dad because her dad didn't like what she was wearing LOL!!! te he!
from Jenni Hopkins, Wiltshire xx
Steppy Stuff
Don't forget it's the new issue of Talking Point tomorrow and we want you to tell us what you think of Faye & Russell and H & Claire's new songs. Do you love them? Do hate them? Who's will you buying? Send your views to us by tomorrow at
The new issue of Smash Hits is out now and features a great interview with Faye! You can actually read it in out exclusive 'Someone Like You Special' so what are you waiting for?!
Saturday 6th April
Cat's Dying To Hand Over To H & Claire
SM:TV favourite Cat Deely was quite literally dying to hand over to H & Claire as the new presenters of SM:tv this morning...her character Sister Sledge in spoof medical drama Casually was murdered to make way for the poptasic pair!
H & Claire opened the show with a stunning performance of their single 'DJ' and will officially take over next Saturday at 09:25am on ITV 1. Cat will be staying on to present the music show CD:UK at 11.30am every Saturday.
3SL Update
Lisa treated her younger brother Andy to a night out for his birthday this week. He says: " I had a really cool birthday, Lisa took me and the rest of my family out to dinner in Piccadilly where we had some of the best Japanese food Ive ever tasted. Lots of lobster and prawns cooked on a hot plate in front of us. Mmm-mm. We then went out dancing all in all the perfect day."
3SL will be at G.A.Y tonight and their debut single 'Take It Easy' is out on Monday!

Steppy Stuff
The new issue of Talking Point is up now.
We have a bit of a request for you. If anyone has the photos of Faye Tozer and Russell Watson from their OK magazine shoot from the end of last month could they please send them into us at We'll give you a shout out on the site too!
Sunday 7th April
Chat With Lisa Live
Don't forget that Lisa will be taking part in an official webchat with 3SL this afternoon at 2.30pm the actual address to go to for the chat is
DJ Storms Into The Video Charts
The debut video by H & Claire has entered the Box charts at an amazing No.7! Meaning that it is one of the most highly requested vids in the UK! If you want to request it call 0906 7533 400 and quote Box No.505
Faye Live At Wembley
We went to see the fabulous Ms Faye Tozer last night at Wembley on tour with Russell Watson and we have to say she was absolutely amazing! She sang her superb single 'Someone Like You' accompanied by Russell and she brought the house down! I have to say when I first heard it I didn't think much of it, but now after hearing it a few times and seeing it performed live I've realised what an amazing track it is and what an amazing lady Faye is. She also performed 'If You Believe' the original version and it was also stunning. Faye is an excellent singer, in my opinion one of the best, and I can't wait for her to have a tour of her own!
We met the lovely lady outside the arena and she was her usual gorgeously friendly self - this one girl who is not effected by her fame. I didn't meet Russell but a friend of mine did and he apparently said he was pleased that a lot of Faye's fans had come to support her. Faye thanked us for coming and was genuinely pleased to see that we there to cheer her on.
The whole show is fantastic and Russell has an amazing voice. There are still tickets left for some of the shows and we would highly recommend that if you're a Faye fan you go to these. To book online go to
Our Show Rating: 10/10
Monday 8th April

Russell Records New Song For CD
The b-side to Faye's new single 'Someone Like You' will be a track by Russell Watson. The track is called 'You Are So Beautiful'.

Message From Lisa
Hi guys!!!
Thought I'd drop you a line to give you a personal update!
But before I do, a big THANK-U to everybody that I have seen recently. It's GR8 to see your smiley faces & hear your thoughts & ideas for my forthcoming SOLO career! Keep up the touching support!
My family & I had a fab time on Big Breakfast as Family of the Week! Thanx to you crazy lot who came down to see us when you could've been in bed!
I'm still recovering from G.A.Y. last Saturday nite! My bros, 3SL, were there performing their debut single 'Take It Easy' (which is out now!).
Look out for us all this week when we do 'Richard & Judy' on Tue. 9th & GMTV & Lorraine Sky Show on Wed.10th April.
You can also catch the boys on CBBC on Fri. 12th & at MTVs 5night stand on Sat.13th!
As for myself, I have spent the last 2wks meeting new Managers & I'll reveal the lucky chappie soon! I have also had some exciting meetings with various Record Companies!
And, I can tell you that I am going to be song-writing with Gary Barlow & his exciting new team over the next few weeks! I'm really looking forward to that! Gary is an extremely talented song-writer so get ready for some wicked tunes! Take that - he he!
I hope that you have all enjoyed my up-date, don't forget to tell all your friends that 3SL's Single is out now! Keep supporting 4SL!
Lots of love & kisses
Lisa xxxxxxxxxxx
Trouble Brewing
Ex Steps stars H and Claire will make their Scottish debut at Irn Bru Live+Loud.
But there could be a backstage bust-up if they meet boy band 3SL.
They are the brothers of former Steps star Lisa Scott Lee, who is
also their manager.
There is no love lost between the ex-bandmates after Steps' bitter Boxing Day break-up left thousands of fans distraught.
The atmosphere was icy when H and Claire bumped into Lisa, Lee Latchford Evans and Faye Tozer at the premiere of the movie Ice Age two weeks ago.
But a spokesman for H and Claire played down fears of a confrontation at the Irn Bru popfest in Bellahouston Park, Glasgow, on June 16.
He said: "They will definitely be there. Lisa might be, then again
she might not be. But they are all professionals so I don't envisage any problems. We won't be bringing extra security.
"H and Claire are looking forward to performing live. Their sound is still pure pop but it's slightly more mature and sophisticated. It will appeal to Steps fans and win new ones as well."
They will perform Steps hits and new material, including their debut single, DJ, due out on May 6. Getting H and Claire is a major coup for the organisers of Live + Loud. They were snapped up by WEA
Records in a reputed £4million deal and are set to follow Ant and Dec as the new hosts of SM:TV.
Siobhan Crampsey, events manager of Scottish Radio Holdings,
said: "We are genuinely pleased H and Claire are coming to Loud + Live." They join other big names including Blue, A1, Samantha Mumba and Liberty X.
(The Mail)
Tuesday 9th April
Lisa & 3SL Chat Transcript
Lisa Scott-Lee : Hi guys! Lisa and 3SL here! Thank you for all your questions...
ClarasBiggestFan : Hello!
MazLoves3SLandLisaFo : hi
Lisa Scott-Lee : Now let's start answering them and having some fun!!!
Sharisse : hi guys! :D
Alex : hiya lisa and 3SL
stepsluver4eva : we love you
Carla luvs Ant : hiya!
lea4ant : hi
Sarah G : 3SL-how have you coped with your sudden rise to fame?
3SL - Ant : Well I think it's helped having had Lisa here with us all the way. We're really enjoying it and all the progress that we're making.
Christina_4_3SL : phwoar ant
3SL - Ant : We started 2 years ago, and we love every minute of it!
3SexyGals : What is it like to have your sister as your manger???
3SL - Andy : Good question. It's great having Lisa as our manager. She has five years experience which she can pass down to us and it's great because we know we can trust her as well.
mand : lisa, how do you keep your brother's in line?
Lisa Scott-Lee laughs
Lisa Scott-Lee : That's pretty easy because we have a great relationship. We always listen and respect each other. I was always the boss at home anyway!
Kinky_ickle_devil : 3sl, is it true that tomorrow you are going to play at ikon in crawley because i have heard you are, and i really wanna see you!
3SL - Steve : Yes, good news, it is true! We're really looking forward to performing there. So all you fans get down there and come and see us - it should be a good night.
GBs Daughter : I always see you in the same clothes, do you keep washing them or have you got lots of sets of the same outfits?
3SL - Ant laughs
3SL - Ant : As we do so many TV appearances it's impossible to get that amount of clothes, but we're going to be going shopping tomorrow with Lisa.
3SLFANatic : lisa: when can we hear your solo stuff? cos your an excellent song writer and performer
Lisa Scott-Lee : Aah, thank you very much. I've had so much support from my fans and it's really helped me through this time. They have inspired me to keep going and I am going to be releasing a summer smash this Summer, so please keep supporting me!
Shazna : Lisa, do you have any hard feelings towards H and Claire for leaving Steps and starting their own solo careers?
Lisa Scott-Lee : No, there's no hard feelings. I prefer to remember the fantastic five years that we had and now I'm looking forward to a successful solo career.
BEX : you are on the front cover of smash hits at the moment. what do you feel when you walk in a shop and see yourself?love bex i wit woo
3SL - Ant : It's the strangest thing ever. It's our dream to be on a front cover of any magazine, but for it to be Smash Hits - that's even better :) Our phones have been going non-stop from our friends and family saying they can't believe it too.
No1EssexGal : Hiya! there are rumours going round that you are going to be doing a signing next saturday in London, is it true??
3SL - Andy : To be honest I don't know if we're doing any signings yet, but feel free to buy a copy of the single and we'll be happy to sign it.As yet there are no official signings organised, but check out our website
biggestlisafan_lisal : lisa - id like to say u have helped me thru sum v tough times in my life. id like to know if you were inspired by anyone when you were younger and dreaming of fame?
Lisa Scott-Lee : Aah thank you that is so sweet. I was inspired by Madonna and still am. She was, and is, an all-rounder, she can sing and dance and act and I liked to think I was like her. She's great.
lisa : hi 3sl i saw you at the smashhits tour 2002 in newcastle and i thought you were brilliant was that your first time on stage if so what did it feel like?stion
3SL - Steve : First time on stage was about two years ago. We were very excited, but nervous too. But once you get that buzz, that feeling, you can do anything and you just want to keep it going all the time. The Smash Hits was our first ever tour, and it was brilliant to win Best New Tour Act.
ANDY MARRY ME!!! : 3SL: u have some crazy fans have u got a special message ud like to say to them? just to say i love 3SL and Lisa and Good Luck in everything u do!!!!! luv kristen
3SL - Andy : Hehee, that's sweet. We are amazed by how dedicated our fans are. We really appreciate it and don't take it for granted, so we'd just like to say a big big biiiiig thank you for all your support. And yes... I will marry you!
3SL - Andy chuckles
GayBoy : What do you make of your gay fan base? I saw the interview you did with Attitude Magazine and you seemed fairly cool with it.
3SL - Ant : We think it's brilliant. The support we have had has been brilliant from the very start. We did G.A.Y last night actually and that was fantastic! For them to be supporting us is great because they supported Steps all the way as well. We really appreciate all the support from both straight and gay fans. Fans are fans. As long as they enjoy the music - that is what matters.
Ants little babe : Whats the weirdest think about being famous?
3SL - Ant : Ohh, OK, hi there first of all to you - Ant's Little babe, the weirdest thing is seeing our faces on the front cover of magazines and seeing our video on TV! The most bizarre thing will be when we see our single in the shops tomorrow.
3SLMECLAREhehe : 3SL - what kind of music do you have in your CD players at the moment?
3SL - Steve : Being brothers it's good because we can all swap and change. At the moment I've got Stereophonics in mine, and Usher as well.
3SL - Andy : I have got Boyz II Men - the Greatest Hits album that's called "Legacy".
3SL - Ant : I've got Enrique Iglesias at the moment, Anastacia too.
Lisa Scott-Lee : I like to listen to a lot of dance music so I was listening to DB Boulevard.
Ants_Biggest_Fan : your single Take It Easy is fantastic every time i hear it iam up dancing. Are you planning bringing out an album soon (I hope so)?
3SL - Steve : There are plans to bring out an album before Christmas. The music on the album is going to be a bit harder and edgier, more along the lines of Five.
Hamad Al Qaoud : i'm your No1 arabic fan and i was wondering lisa what will your solo stuff be like and when are you realising it and on which record company??
Lisa Scott-Lee : Hi to my No. 1 arabic fan! I'll be releasing my first single in the Summer. I've been writing new and exciting material which I describe as 'funky, sexy, cool'. I'm not sure which record label it will be on, as I've had various offers and I'm in talks.
BUBBLE : 3SL - Are there any girls in your life, or has Lisa said No to all that at the moment? Love N Hugs *BUBBLE*
3SL - Andy chuckles
3SL - Andy : Good question. There aren't any girls at the moment because we are so busy. But we're on the look out! So, we're single, but looking.
Jamie 2002 : Lisa, Do you know if Gold will be released on VHS or DVD?
Lisa Scott-Lee : There are plans to release our final concert. So keep your ears open and your eyes peeled.
Chat Ed : Our half hour with 3SL and LISA is almost up now, so last three questions now...
Marry me Ant???????? : lisa:what inspired you to write bittersweet,the lyrics r so nice!!! ant: i will be your girl any day :) haha
Lisa Scott-Lee : Bittersweet inspired me because people used to say that all our lyrics in our songs were bittersweet. That was the irony with Steps, some of our lyrics were sad but we were still smiling as we sang them. If you listen carefully to the lyrics you might notice that each verse describes a season. I'm glad you enjoy my song-writing. There's lots more to come.
3SL - Ant : On the Westlife thing - no that is not true. We have already done three tours, supported Steps, S Club 7 and the Smash Hits Tour, so the next one we do will be our own tour. It will give us a chance to give our fans something back.
Carla luvs Ant : Lisa, do you get a bit overprotected having 3 absolutely gorgeous brothers?!!
Lisa Scott-Lee laughs
Lisa Scott-Lee : Definitely. I'm very protective over them too.
Leigh www3slbiz : lol @ Lisa awwww ur a darling
Lisa Scott-Lee : I'm there to make sure that no one is out to hurt them - that's my role as a manager and a sister. It works both ways though, as they are very protective of me as well.
Chat Ed : That's it! Thanks for coming and talking to us 3SL and LISA!
Lisa Scott-Lee : From all 4 of us... We just want to thank everybody for taking time out on their Sunday to come up with all these questions. We have thoroughly enjoyed answering them.
Amy - Steppy McStepp : Lisa, you rule in EVERY way !!!
dreaming_of_you : BYEEEEEE
Lisa Jnr : bye guyz
Marie43SL : I LUV YOU 3SL!
Caroline : i love you ant! byyyyyyyyyeeeeee!
Emma_luvs_Andy : lisa i love you
GBs Daughter : Thanks for answering my question
cheryl : bbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
leanne : bye lisa and 3sl
becky4ant : I LOVE yOU Ant
Jill : 3SL - We love u and good luck - u 2 lisa! Bye xxx
Wannabe Famous : ANDY LUV U
CozmicKitten : BYE BYE MY LOVE!
saharafudge : luv ya loads, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3sl and lisa luva : byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
gemma : byebyeeeeeeeeeeee *hugz!* love u! good luck guys!
sammy : lisa I love you
DANNY_4_LISA : BYE LISA!!!!!!!!!!
Lisa Scott-Lee : Don't forget 3SL's new single is called 'Take it Easy'. It's out tomorrow in the shops!
lisarocksmyworld : BYE LISA
lee_ryans_lil_angel : bye Lisa
Dannii : bye 3sl and lisa
Kinky_ickle_devil : I LOVE U STEVE
3SLs barmy babe : see u guys at 5 night stand! byeeeeeee!
Nat_Loves_Andy : lisa ill b at woolies 4am in the mornin lol
shel_loves-ant : bye bye
Roy : byeeeeeeeeeeee
Lisa Scott-Lee : Thank you for your love and support. Enjoy the rest of your day. And... take it easy!!! :
Faye & Russell Add Extra Tour Date
The Belfast Odyssey Arena is the venue for the Russell Watson and Faye Tozer 15th of May Concert.
Tickets for this Concert are priced between £20.00 - £35.00 - and are subject to a booking fee.
These tickets are available direct from the box office in Belfast on 02890 - 739074.
Telephone booking: Ticketmaster 24hr Credit Card hotline 0870 243 4455.
Wednesday 10th April
Lisa Is Top Of The Clubbing Class
Lisa Scott-Lee appeared at The London Astoria's G.A.Y night on Saturday night dressed as a naughty schoolgirl! Lisa, who was there to support her younger brothers in their new band, 3SL. Wowed her fans in a micro mini and tightly stretched open blouse and tie. As far as pop babes go, this little lady really is top of the class! (Photos Courtesy of
Sexy Stuff....Lisa Steps Out In Style

Wow....Lisa is top of the class in her sexy outfit
SM:tv News
H and Claire start work on SM:tv as the new presenters this Saturday and it's going to be a fun packed show. As well as all the usual cartoons and sketches, they'll be chatting to the female 'Pop Idol' finalists Hayley and Zoe and the stars on the new ITV1 show 'I Saw You', Fay Ripley and Paul Rhys.
Then at 11:00am they'll be handing over to Cat Deeley at cd:uk and H and Claire will be performing their new single 'DJ'.
H & Claire Liven Up Liverpool
H & Claire will be in Liverpool on Friday to chat to presenters on Radio City about their forthcoming new single and their career as a duo. We'll be going along to say Hi to the poptastic pair and wish them all the best of luck from all the Solo:STEPS visitors!
Thursday 11th April

Faye STEPS Aside From Chart Battle

Novel pose ... Faye Tozer in her latest vid

FORMER STEPS star FAYE TOZER has pulled out of a chart battle against her old bandmates CLAIRE RICHARDS and H. Faye, pictured above in the video of her duet with opera singer RUSSELL WATSON, Someone Like You, was due to go head to head with Claire and H's DJ on May 6 but she has now moved it back by a week. The news went down well with H and Claire who told me: "Were really pleased that we will be avoiding a chart battle. They always turn out to be pretty vicious and dont help record sales. We've got nothing against Faye. We want her single to do really well we want us all to do really well."

Lisa Rumoured To Have Signed New Deal
Lisa is rumoured to have signed a record contract yesterday evening.  It is thought she has signed to relatively unknown label Klone. Lisa has described her solo work as 'funky, sexy and cool' and promises fans she will have a new single out very soon.
Lisa has not confirmed that she has signed the new deal.
(Many thanks to Ellie for this news)
Steppy Stuff
If you want to take part in tomorrows edition of Talking Point make sure that you send your letters into us by tomorrow morning.
Also don't forget to keep checking the diary page as there are constantly new appearances being added to it.